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Good headline

bikkuri bahn

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bikkuri bahn

One of my pet peeves about the mainstream media reporting of railway matters are the often cliche headlines reporters (or rather the editors) think up for the articles.  Favorites include (for example): "high speed train proposal derailed", new light rail chugs into town, or variations of "~off the rails" or "~on track to~".  Lets not forget "trainwreck", often utilized by conservatives (in addition to their favorite- "boondoggle") in anti-rail missives.  Not the prevalence of words associated with accidents or archaic aspects.


However, this article uses a clever (at least to me) headline, as I think only a railfan would get the association.  Whether the reporter/editor was aware of it, I don't know.


High-speed rail plan gains traction




*minus points to the reporter for using the "all-aboard!" cliche, however :laugh:

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