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Aoshima Train Models?


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I just tripped across some N-scale single-car models by Aoshima on HW. They're very cheap--I assume they are unbuilt, unpainted models from what little I can make out in the pictures. Anybody know if they're made of plastic or paper or dryer lint or....? And can they be fitted with working trucks and/or power units?

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Well, it looks like they're plastic, and I'll be able to pass on the rest of the details in a few weeks--once the four pieces of a 485 (2 kuha, moha, saha) that I ordered show up.  :grin

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Those aren't Aoshima models, but models from Skynet (a sub-company of Aoshima). Does anyone know by the way if they do have some pulling power at all (especially for Tomix Mini curves with a few freight wagons).


I guess scott was referring to these: http://www.aoshima-bk.co.jp/scripts/shouhin/series_index.aspx?cl_id=3&ot_id=10&si_id=145 A 485 Series and a 583 Series. I've seen 'em before, but wasn't really interested. Why make a that you could also get for almost the same price as a completed set anyway?

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I've heard the Carmel N drive goes like a bat out of hell.  Not sure about pulling power but I think it needs weight first.

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Why make a that you could also get for almost the same price as a completed set anyway?


I dunno--they seemed inexpensive, and maybe a fun project. If it would cost as much as a regular 485 set, then I'll just make it a low priority project and cram in some power unit or other when I find one. But the four kits were only about $25, so I figured it was worth checking out. And since I didn't get any responses here before I ordered, I thought maybe I was bravely breaking new ground.  :grin

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If you're talking about those 485/583 and various 24/25 series cars, they are absolute garbage. I have some. They are pre-painted and take about 5 minutes to assemble. They come with plastic trucks and wheels, really bad Arnold couplers, and even plastic pantographs. You could of course upgrade them if you really wanted (like with real metal wheels), but doing so would drive up costs to the point where you could probably just find a much better looking Kato model on eBay. I'd stay away. Heck the Bandai B-Train stuff totally puts those kits to shame, and that says a lot.

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Ah, well--I should have waited longer before ordering, I guess. More money down the tubes.


Well, maybe I'll be able to kitbash the pieces into something interesting.

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Heck the Bandai B-Train stuff totally puts those kits to shame, and that says a lot.


Hahaha. I had to laugh when I read that :grin Looks like they're not really worth the game.


Anyway, owning a completely built 4-car set with the same specs as a complete, say Tomix set, will cost you about the same when you calculate the motor unit, the lighting kits and detailing parts with it. At least you have a unique model when they're done...


Maybe you could kitbash a one-unit train with jacob-bogies (as the mid-bogies in Enoden trains and several Romance Cars from Odakyu) and shortened bodies.

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