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Kato 165 Moonlight Echigo


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Hi Scott,

you find all the 3 version (green, red and brown) at Rainbowten at less price 6300JPY  :grin

item 10-448/449/450

ask to Mr.Nao....




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Well, not really desperate. The 165 was just a pleasant discovery. It has the same basic color scheme as the 115 I wanted, it runs in the same region (based in Niigata, but running a longer route, to Tokyo in this case), and I just like the color combination. Normally I prefer warmer colors, but for some reason this combination just appeals to me. I didn't mean to come across as unhinged about it; just enjoying the variety.

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See, Vince--Bernard likes it, and *he's* not unhinged. :-)


Thanks, Bernard--always nice to hear a good review before ordering something.

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It runs from Niigata to Tokyo, huh? Know anything more specific? Where does it terminate? Shinjujku? Oomiya? Ueno? (See where this is going?)

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After a little big of digging, it looks like it terminates at Shinjuku.


Figured. Thanks for digging for me! (and saving me another item for the wishlist!)

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