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Another Kato new line of products?


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One of the items looks like a very old Kato set (the red one). It was a more "toy like" (in terms of quality and detail) set which I had a chance to see in the original packaging, which was of the type where it's a box with a flap and a hole in the flap for hanging it on a display (like Kato blister packs).


The translation seems to support that, saying its some kind of "hanging" package. There is also mention of how this might be for shows/presention - the picture appears to show a simplified controller with a set of switches instead of a throttle - perhaps an inexpensive automation unit (blog also mentions low price).


My best guess at this point would be it's something that maybe crosses a bit into TomyTec territory - a less expensive train meant for a little roundy-round diorama layouts with automated running, possibly with reduced voltage like the TomyTec railway collection.

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From what I've seen somewhere else is that the Total Set (10-501-1   チビロコトータルセット) will have a battery-powered controller with 4 sound functions or something like that. It's an attempt at cheap childrens models.


  • 10-500-1   チビロコセット 機関車+客車2両セット - Chibi-Loco set; Locomotive and two passenger coaches;
  • 14-501-1 チビ電 - Chibi-den (Street cars)
  • 10-502-1 チビ凸セット - Chibi-convex-set (Electric engine with freight cars)
  • 10-501-1 チビロコトータルセット - Chibi-Loco total set



Let's hope the detailing level has gone up a bit, as the streetcars look mighty interesting and I'm looking for a cheap small electric freight loco :9

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that does look very much like the pocket train series kato had out like 20 years back! the top looks like the tram steam train (really diesel now) in the town which name escapes me now! was thinking about trying to convert a pocket train i have into it, but this looks better!


tram looking interesting as well. pocket train steam had ok detail.





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They seem to appear on the Japanese site of HS, but not on the English ones, though as the older models. Prices back then seem significantly lower.


Chibi-Loco: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003579

Chibi-den: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003581

Chibi-convex engine: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003580

Chibi-freight cars: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003585

Chibi-passenger cars: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003584


Please note: the little steam locomotive has no motor in it! One of the passenger coaches is motorised.


@jeff: I think the diesel/steam engine you're thinking about is the one in Matsuyama from the Iyo RR: http://www.t-netsurf.com/ichiban/iyo/iyo203-l.jpg


Also, I hope there are gonna be some detail upgrade sets on the market... The detailing looks quite horrible to me.

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Wow I didn't know Kato have something out like this 20 years ago.  I wonder what made Kato do it again?  Is it because of Tomix's Thomas and Friends series? I also wonder is there anything new in this release, aside from the controller, that has not be seen in the previous release before.


With the price that low, relatively speaking, I also wonder whether they will be manufacture in other countries such as China?

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these are the old pocket line of kato trains. yes the motor car is in one of the passenger cars, basically a kato 2 axle motor unit.


the new ones look a bit different, but all the basics the same i bet. the paint scheme and design for the top one appear to be close for Matsuyama although the coaches are not quite the same layout and proportions, but something close. will save me from trying to repaint my old pocket train set! the one i have is over 20 years old and a tad cranky and few bits and pieces broken off that would have needed replacement. i have toyed with the idea of scratch building the coaches as it would be about as simple as you could get for a train car scratch build. it seems when ever i think up something like this to modify or scratch build one of the train companies rolls it out! i had a nice little food cart all built and was about to paint it when the tomytec ones were announced!


thanks for Matsuyama, it was late, brain mushy and ref books not w/in arms reach (read lazy)... its a cute little line. i have a photo article on it that made me want to model it to put on the ttrak streetcar setup.








They seem to appear on the Japanese site of HS, but not on the English ones, though as the older models. Prices back then seem significantly lower.


Chibi-Loco: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003579

Chibi-den: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003581

Chibi-convex engine: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003580

Chibi-freight cars: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003585

Chibi-passenger cars: http://www.1999.co.jp/10003584


Please note: the little steam locomotive has no motor in it! One of the passenger coaches is motorised.


@jeff: I think the diesel/steam engine you're thinking about is the one in Matsuyama from the Iyo RR: http://www.t-netsurf.com/ichiban/iyo/iyo203-l.jpg


Also, I hope there are gonna be some detail upgrade sets on the market... The detailing looks quite horrible to me.

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ha! thanks! you do the same thing i do! watch HS then wait for the HW pre-order at 26% off! only problem can be is that at times the HW pre-order window can be very very brief at times or sometimes not at all. only problem with HW is you just cant be in a rush like this and be patient to wait and then wait a couple of extra days for the item to get stocked and then order shipped...


this looks like it will be a fun simulation of Matsuyama tram, cheap and easy! interesting the picture here has it on the new unitram track as well, so i think thats what they are going with on this.







Pre-order announced at Hobby Search!




Now I'll just have to wait 'till HW has them in pre-order :9

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yeah I was wondering about the unitram track too.  I did a non professional survey of the product and it looks like only a few online retailers have them available.  I hope Kato is going to release more soon!

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Thanks for the link Toni.




Did anyone else notice the steam locomotives are dummies and the passenger car is powered?






If you don't believe me translate the text. 


So much for any plans to shunt with that locomotive.  The steeple cab looks OK.

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i think these are pretty much the same moulds at the old pocket trains. i have the steam and it does have the motor in the passenger car and the steam engine just freewheels. it uses the usual kato 2 axle power unit. the engine looks to be a perfect copy (paint job and all) to the original pocket train i have. cars look to be exact moulding, just now they have the same matsuyama paint scheme in green with gold trim as the engine has (nice as the original have an odd 2 tone color job, one beige/orange other beige/brown, that looks more like a train ride).


now have to figure out some actuator mechanism to see if i could make the engine turnaround at matsuyama -- that would be way cool!





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I'm glad I actually cancelled my order of three convex engines (I now have bought two greatly detailed ED16s instead). They are cheap, but not so high in quality that the price would make a purchase worthy. I was also considering the purchase of a few trams, but now that I've ordered 4 12m Tomytec mules, there's no need for those any more either...

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The Pocket Line trains have finally arrived.  The tram is on wait list at HS, but the steeple cab is available. The sightseeing steam train is available, but this is a steam train like the oil powered version at Matsuyama rather than a normal steam engine.


Remember these are simple models aimed at first time modellers. At $28 for the steeple cab and the tram the price is pretty good.










Steeple Cab




Sightseeing Stream Train



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i think these are pretty much the same moulds at the old pocket trains. i have the steam and it does have the motor in the passenger car and the steam engine just freewheels.

now have to figure out some actuator mechanism to see if i could make the engine turnaround at matsuyama -- that would be way cool!





Jeff- could you do me a favour and measure your steam set, I am thinking about buying it to try on my B Train layout, but need to know how long  it is. Or shall I just work on 3 B Train units?

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sure will do, mine should be here any day now, they shipped 2 weeks ago sal.


bill did you get yours yet? i think west texas joe got his already.


will be interesting to put them up against the old pocket train steam i have.


what measurements do you want? i think the mechanism is the same as the kato btrain shorty mechanism 2 axle.





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bill did you get yours yet? i think west texas joe got his already.






Not yet.  Maybe we overwhelmed SAL's available air cargo space.  :grin

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i was amazed all 3 shipped for 580yen sal! i didnt order them during the paypal deal!


I think the boxes are pretty small.

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if its like the old box its about 12" x 2.5" x 1". i just never had something ship from hs at 580Y sal, just had 6 small boxes of containers ship and that was 780 as the smallest both they have is pretty heavy and wouldnt fit the old pocketrain boxes.





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Thanks Jeff,

I am after the overall length of the train to see if it will fit a Peco Turntable  to turn it round.

Has any one got any pictures of the depot/stations each end of the line in  Matsuyama. Thinking about a end to end set up to go on a window sill.  5'0" x 9"

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Has any one got any pictures of the depot/stations each end of the line in  Matsuyama.


The train runs on tram tracks in the street in Matsuyama.



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