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where to find tomix superelevated \ cant track (in US)


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We have been using the Kato double track super elevated track.  We love it.  We've seen (from the quinntopia blog) that tomix makes a single track superelevated track (or referred to as "cant").  Obviously none of our LHSs would have this, but none of our online shops that we use alot has it either.


Can anyone points us to a few sources for this?  We like how trains look on it, and it may be handy in a few places on the new layout.




Mike & Nik

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I haven't seen anything in the US (if I could I'd order from the US as the shipping is much cheaper for large orders), only a few British and German dealers selling it in limited quantities (at markup, and with the same international shipping to get to North America). Best bet is buying from the same source as all your trains - Hobby Search, Plaza Japan, Hobby World. One difference I've found between Unitrack and Finetrack is Finetrack comes in much more smaller and more selective packaging, at roughly the same per unit price - this reduces costs a bit when you need only a few pieces of a variety of sizes (like various 15 degree curves, which you can buy in packs of 2 instead of Kato's 4 minimum).

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I pretty much assumed no one in the US actually had it.


I couldn't find it at Plaza Japan, but sent them a note.  Have never used Hobby World or Hobby Search.  Will look for them online.


When you say you ordered yours directly, do you mean Hobby World\Hobby Search?



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Ordering directly from Japan with the help of those online shop is unfortunately very very easy and painless.


On the subject of the cant tracks, don't forget to order the approach tracks. They are necessary for the transition between flat and superlevated tracks. With one pack of these and one of normal superelevated curved track you have a full 180° curve.


Also, you might want to order the Finetrack/Unitrack adaptator to connect both type of tracks together.

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When you say you ordered yours directly, do you mean Hobby World\Hobby Search?




Yes. Personally I order from Hobby Search, and given you've never ordered from Japan outside of Plaza, I'd suggest them too as they work almost the same as any US online store, have SAL shipping now, and have their "sale" which may or may not end March 31 (rumors on this forum it could be a permanent thing to keep business going in the face of price competition). They're also a lot easier to navigate then Hobby World (HW, improve your website and you'll get more money!).


Two notes for Hobby Search: Ever since they added SAL, the actual price of shipping has moved to the next screen of the ordering process (previous screen now has the choice for EMS/SAL). This means you have to enter your CC before seeing the shipping cost (unless you use a chart and calculate it yourself). You can still cancel at this point if you don't like the cost. The other is that Hobby Search has "points". A few days after your order is processed you'll get a percentage (5%) of your order back in points. The next time you order you can check a little box on the order screen to "use points", which will apply your points toward that purchase. This is a lot like some local hobby store loyality programs, only there is no minimum or fixed number of points you can redeem (my LHS gives back something like 1%, but you can only redeem in 250 point increments).

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