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Decision time again...opinions sought

NGT6 1315

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Having readjusted my focus to the Kanto region as well as points north, northwest and west of it till Kansai over the past few months, I am thinking about which models I might put on my list for this year. My options so far are the following:


* Tokaido/Shonan-Shinjuku E231-1000

* Chuo or Keihin-Tohoku E233

* 251 series

* 281 series

* 683 series

* Hikari Railstar 700 series bullet


Do you think these might make sense, provided I could still get them eventually? And might there be any additional types which I might consider, including new releases?


Thanks, and have a good night - I'll hit the bed soon, I think.

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Mudkip Orange

One thing to consider is the lifespan of the trains. For instance, the E233s are just being introduced as we speak. They'll be in service for another 15 years at least, which means there will be many re-releases over the next few years. Hence I wouldn't buy that one first, or even second.


And I'm personally prejudiced against Shinkansen, I think the trains are cool (and a requirement for every first-world country) but the track they run on is bland and sterile. Plus it limits your layout design options (no tight-radius curves, no #4's leading directly out of a curve, etc).


But really you just gotta listen to your heart. I do think the 281 and the 683 would look good parked at the same station... similar cab designs, etc.

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Yeah, the thing is, my heart actually wants all of them! :grin But that won't be an option for as long as I do not win the lottery...


So the average 15 year lifespan does not apply to the Shinkansen only? Didn't know that, I admit.

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I'd say, the 251 Series or the 281 Series (Scott would like to part with his if you are interested).



Yes, I saw it, but I have nothing to trade at this time.


I also thought a 321 or 485 series would be interesting, too...

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Then, for me, it will be a 485 all the way. It's a classic and you can have very different designs and color schemes. It's for sure the quintescence of the japanese limited express.


- http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10079006 (calming colors)

- http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10079005 (the original)

- http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10074529 (one of the numerous joyfull train adaptation)

- http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10068762 (love the bonnet-style!)

- http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10049286 (-3000 version, a beauty)

- http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10047580 (with a panoramic front car)

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Mudkip Orange

So the average 15 year lifespan does not apply to the Shinkansen only?


Only for the newer JR trains. Obviously something that was built in 1975 will still probably be around in 2025 (although it may well be working a shortline out in the sticks somewhere). On the other hand stuff that was introduced in 1998 will probably have been scrapped by 2025.

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Ash, it will be better to post directly the Yahoo Auctions link since this is just a proxy.


Also, you could post your link into the "How to bid on Japanese Auction for dummy" thread I created and make us a review of this proxy once you used their services.

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