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JRM at Smithsonian American Art Museum 2025


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We just got to do a set up at the Smithsonian American Art Museum today for their Cherry blossom celebration [they go on here for 3 weeks!]. This was our first time to get to display in a Smithsonian Museum! They had a lot of music and dance performances in addition to a number of kid craft events, so there were a ton of kids. Few spot counts put us at up to 1000 visitors to the layout. The event was in their huge internal courtyard that has a beautiful glass ceiling. Museum seemed very pleased with the display and the visitor response. Hope we can do more with other Smithsonian’s.


Next will the the Sakura Matsuri down on Pennsylvania ave April 12-13. Thats a huge event!











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Well when the big performances were going on like the Taiko drummers things got a bit quieter for us and they had a big crowd down at the other end of the courtyard. That courtyard is huge like 100 yards long! They usually have like 3-4K at the event total. A lot of them came to us. I just did two quick exit counts from the layout to estimate visits to the layout. Also just shot pictures when things were not totally crazy as only 3 of us watching things and we had a ton of little kids there with a lot of what is termed in law of “attractive nuisances” put right in front of thier noses! But kids pretty good for the most part and nothing really damaged. It’s funny Renato’s Evangelon module has an elevated freeway with wrecked vehicles on it and folks always want to put them back up driving on the road correctly! Happened many times this event!



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Looks great.

I keep thinking I would like to attend the Sakura Matsuri - have to look at this year's schedule to see if it is doable.  Thinking we could take advantage of my stockpile of frequent flier miles to fly up for the day and take the Metro over to the event.  Hope springs eternal!


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would be grand to see you! We had Martijn come in one year from Holland for the matsuri! He threatened to come in his samurai suit, but thought getting thru security and immigration might prove a big rough.


it is a very easy hop over on metro from DCA.


I keep hoping to get back down to Durham for a visit as well.





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