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Kato D103 and DCC Lights Misbehaving

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Hi All,


Maybe as a newbie I am eating more than I can chew, but in parallel to my DC layout I started a small "DCC lab" just to figure how these things work, decide if I like to mix this analig hobby with yet more programming, and eventually decide should I mix DCC in my main layout. 


I am using the KATO D103 (KATO's Digitrax zephyr) and DCC friendly KATO trains. .


With some beginner's luck I managed to install the EM13 with no problem. Installing the FL12N was a snap as well but the light is wrong (red when I'm in forward in the throttle and vice versa). I tried to insert the FL12N in the reverse order to no avail. I also changed CV29 to 39 from 38, but then the loco drives in the wrong direction. With some model trains voodoo I even tried to place the loco in the other direction on the programming track. It happens with all 3 trains.  


Any advice will be appreciated. 





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4 hours ago, JJ1892 said:

I also changed CV29 to 39 from 38, but then the loco drives in the wrong direction.


Only program the headcar, not the motorcar.

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@Wolf thank you for the fast answer. I am not sure I got it. i have to assign the Motorcar an address so it will get moving. If I do nothing (namely, not program the motor) its lights are red when I move forward. 

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You Said you changed the direction cv, but then the motorcar went in the oposite direction. Wich makes sense if you programmed all decoders.


All I wanted to suggest is to change the direction cv on only one of them, not all.

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Understood. Thanks. My problem is with the motor car, as the color of the light also mandates the direction of the drive. With the headcar I can changed the CV and the lights changes without influencing the direction. 

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I have a problem understanding here I think.


Your EM13 is in the motorcar. The EM13 has no possibility to switch any light at all.


Your FL12s are in your headcars. If you only cange the CV for direction on these, all should be well, you should NOT reprogram the EM13 at the same time.


(Btw turning the FL12s around should also solve the problem, I didnt get why you said it did not work).


What did I get wrong?

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