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"The Bullet Train" 1975 movie Netflix remake - April 23rd

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Looks like a fun watch, maybe I'll watch it with friends during our weekly movie night. Interesting it's called "Bullet Train Explosion," must be because of that Brad Pitt movie.

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I don't know how many of you have ever seen the 1975 film The Bullet Train? It was the inspiration for the movie Speed from the 90's.


A trailer for a modern remake from Netflix has dropped on YouTube and is set for release on April 25th this year - Worldwide.


The trailer looks good. I've linked to it below.



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Nice use of the Alfa-X. 


Tsuyoshi Kusanagi from SMAP fame as the conductor. 


Will it transpire that the conductor used to be special forces but his love of trains and his “loose cannon” attitude meant he found solace at JR East?


“I’ve come aboard to check tickets and kick ass, and i’ve finished checking tickets!”

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The old one is so bad it’s good, and it not so over the top like movies like this seem to have to be today that ruins them just being fun B movies. Ill stick with the original. Sadly the dvd is in our library anymore! But it’s on tubi with commercials.



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Admin note: this topic combined with one posted previously and moved to this forum.



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My apologies for making a new post. Just got a bit excited when I saw the trailer!


I have the original movie on DVD and Blu-Ray, and so am looking forward to this remake. A few things different from the original I've noticed from the trailer:


Original - Train was heading from Tokyo to Hakata

Remake - Train is bound for Tokyo


Original - Speed that bomb was activated and would detonate was 80km/h

Remake - They seem to have increased that to 100km/h


And as BC6 mentioned earlier, it will remind you of the movie Speed, because that movie was based off the original version of this movie.


And Lessigen, this has the same title as the original. Nothing really to do with the brad pitt movie.


The original is certainly worth a watch if you can get access to it.

Edited by E231-500
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No worries i just remembered it came up recently and went looking for the other post.


going to have to watch the 75 movie here soon! I contemplated picking up the dvd last night as now its not in our state library system like it use to be sadly. Streaming has the library culling some DVDs, but then in a year things get dropped from streaming services or they add commercials etc, so im still a have it on dvd and not rely on the streaming guy. The 75 movie really has a fun vibe.



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OMG that is a blast from high school. Had high hopes for it but they were sort of dashed, the show didn’t quite know what it wanted to be. Didn’t really stand up to other sci fi of the time like space 1999.



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Love Boat on rails with crimes!
Heck, Supertrain doesn't even hold up compared to The Big Bus (1976):


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Since were going down this road here's my contribution because I loved the obvious model shots, Notice Cats dark version vs the tv show that I grew up on lol

Bonus behind the scenes for us train lovers.


Edited by bc6
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Some years ago, the model train and a stretch of the track was up for sale.  I hope they found a good home!  

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I would love to have a garden big enough that we could have picked up the orginal when it was advertised.
: 3

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