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Tomix 91079


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Hello, I was wondering if the Tomix 91079 uses super elevated curves? The track arrangement is slightly odd as it uses 4x Curve Slab Double Track DC465.428-45-SL(F)
and 8x Curve Slab Double Track DC539.502-22.5-SL(F). A 180 degree curve consists of 2x DC539, 2x DC465 and 2x DC539 in that order. As there is no indication the two DC539s at either end are different I assume it isn't super elevated as there would be no easement piece? It appears on the Tomix 91011 canted set the easement pieces start with CL/CR. I have the Kato V16 which is the other widest available sectional track kit I am aware of which is super elevated, but the track itself is ground level. I was looking at the Kato v13 viaduct set, but I am not pleased with the idea of narrower curves.

The one benefit of it not being super elevated is rather than getting the kit I could just get 16 DC539 to allow me the widest radius possible, but I wouldn't have super elevated curves though 😞 

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I think it is flat.  The 22.5 pieces allow a more flexible layout with some extra pieces. If it was super-elevated I think it would show in the Tomix promo photos. SL= slab as in slab track which has no ballast. This is a product that has been on the market for almost 20 years.


Track plan  https://www.1999.co.jp/itbig04/10047042k4.jpg


As always, Hobby Search's photo are always great.


Edited by bill937ca
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1 hour ago, bill937ca said:

I think it is flat.  The 22.5 pieces allow a more flexible layout with some extra pieces. If it was super-elevated I think it would show in the Tomix promo photos. SL= slab as in slab track which has no ballast. This is a product that has been on the market for almost 20 years.


Track plan  https://www.1999.co.jp/itbig04/10047042k4.jpg


As always, Hobby Search's photo are always great.


Thank you! That's what I was figuring.

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If those were normal to superelevated transition curves then they would need Left and Right specific pieces [like the Kato ones] and these all have the same part number.



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