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Inventorying Japanese Models


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OK this may be a bit OCD, but as I am relatively new to Japanese trains in general I have to ask.  I have used the model train inventory software Yard Office for a few years for my HO scale stuff, and that is all pretty straight forward.  Even passenger trains are all done as individual cars since they all have their own road numbers/class.


However, for Japanese EMU/DMU, what would the best way to inventory them be?  I don’t readily see unit numbers, but the instructions generally seem to include the equivalent of a class designation.  I thought at first by the set name/manufacture number but then it seems it might get confusing when add on sets are purchased.  So what would be an appropriate way of inventorying say the Kato 10-177 Series 251 `Super View Odoriko` (Basic 6-Car Set)?  As the set, or by the individual units in the set?  If I end up getting the add on set, how to deal with that?

I use the data for both insurance purposes and for managing the collection.  I do not use all the extensive data fields in the database such as DDC information (I don’t use DCC), or the prototype info, but do use the value, where purchased, purchase date, sold date for those I dispose of, etc.


I also believe the software can inventory buildings and track although I have never looked into that aspect but may be fun (or scary 😲 ) to track the total cost of my Japanese collection.





Yard Office Screenshot.png

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Hi Will,


What I have been using to inventory my stuff is the N Scale database by Trovestar.  Most items are already there and I set up an inventory and select the ones I have.  The Japanese trains are listed as the come.  So a passenger train set would be 1 entry.  I have a Tomix train that was purchased by individual cars and those are listed by car with duplicates being shown with the quantity I have.  Basic membership to the database is free, you can have personal collection up to 50 items for free or unlimited for $2.00 per month.  I actually have my stuff divided into several different collections: locos, freight cars, etc.  Because it's on line, it can be accessed with you phone and it has saved me from buying duplicates several times.  As a member free or premium, you can add any items that you don't see in the database. 


Here is the link to the database:   https://www.trovestar.com/

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This has been covered a little elsewhere in the forum. It would really come down to what information you want to record. 


If it’s purely for insurance purposes then you may wish to record the set number, its purchase price as well as photos of the set as a whole and the receipt/invoice. 


I use a simple excel sheet for my own personal information and record the purchased set number, price, retailer, more for nerdy autobiographical reasons than anything else. 


I also add whether it has been fitted with optional lights or from factory, any updated parts added if newer versions have been released and although not a DCC user, whether it is a “friendly model” (Kato Only) should I decide to go down that route in future. 


I have the list organised in starter sets, bookcase sets, steam locos, diesel locos, electric locos, coaching stock and freight wagons. The product number field is coloured in a relevant colour to generic manufacturer packaging so I can see at a glance who made it. Dark green for Kato, Light grey for Tomix, Pale blue for Microace etc.. 


For my HO stock, as coaches are generally sold individually in addition to 4 coach sets, I have these listed in which formations these are grouped into. As my stock is stored in formation boxes rather than the individual manufacturer boxes it helps me know where stuff is. Most formations on from a single manufacturer but some like my 10 series Nichinan formation is formed of Kato, Tomix, Tenshodo and JPM models. 

Other coaches and wagons not in named trains are listed separately. 


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@nscalestation @Kamome thanks very much for your thoughts.


@Kamome I thought of a spreadsheet but my skills there are not as good as the could be and the software was a reasonable price, and is well supported.  Also easy to customize with new road names, manufactures and categories for the set fields I use.  For insurance keeping them as the sets makes the most sense.


@nscalestation I did not know about that option, and as I have Yard Office already its probably too late.  Seems easy to use and customize though.



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Ive found simple spreadsheets work best for this sort of stuff for me. I don’t fell like i need huge amounts of info for stuff like this and its easy to just can the list. Helps for insurance and to verify i do have a train when i cant find it where i think it should be! But really how much you wnat.need to know later with the stuff and how much time you want to spend on it. If you have a lot of trains it gets to be a fair amount of work. Adding pictures even more. I have a few hundred trains so ive kept it more simple.


Beware the list will terrify you in the amount of money sitting there!





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I mishandled my GameCollectorz database, where I created an entry for N-Gauge trains, busses, trucks and trailers and one entry for N-Gauge paperwork, like magazines and books. I'm adding pictures to all entries (thank you, HobbySearch 😉 ) and a few basic information like what motors the busses are using.

Edited by Lazertron
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For those interested I made a quick spreadsheet in google sheets anyone can use to track your locos and Tomix track:



Some basic instructions on how to use have been added, I will look at adding Kato track packs as well at some stage, also I've only just started adding the larger "packs" from Tomix so will be a while till those are all added.


You will need to "make a copy" if you want an editable version. 

Edited by MrLinderman
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2 hours ago, bc6 said:

@MrLinderman Thank you for sharing your database it elevates record keeping of my collection by lightyears.


Your most welcome, I will let you know when i've updated or added more to the system

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31 minutes ago, MrLinderman said:


Your most welcome, I will let you know when i've updated or added more to the system

That'll be awesome. 

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On 2/18/2025 at 4:41 AM, cteno4 said:

Ive found simple spreadsheets work best for this sort of stuff for me. I don’t fell like i need huge amounts of info for stuff like this and its easy to just can the list. Helps for insurance and to verify i do have a train when i cant find it where i think it should be! But really how much you wnat.need to know later with the stuff and how much time you want to spend on it. If you have a lot of trains it gets to be a fair amount of work. Adding pictures even more. I have a few hundred trains so ive kept it more simple.


Beware the list will terrify you in the amount of money sitting there!






Same here!



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