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Hello from Indonesia


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I was born in Germany and since more than 20 years I live in Indonesia. Modeltrain shops are existing here - but the prices: damn high - and so many are totally not professional. F.e. To send A Kato SVT 197 with a DCC decoder (first to make advertisement that it is an ESU, then to inform that the ESU is out of stock, then to change to a Bachmann UK Decoder). After I got this nice train: it was not moving. Light is going on and off via engine driver but the train did not move. Okay investigation was needed. Inside is a Soundtraxx decoder. And: a reset was the key. But I am still not happy with the speed , more work has to be done. That is the way Indonesian shops are selling the things 😄 ANd as you read: DCC is what I am doing. Scale N. Kato, Fleischmann are in use. My focus is specially on Train from Switzerland (Glacier, RHB, ...) and on my wishlist are some rare german steamlocos (one day with sound and even with steam - when I was young I got an ARnold steam loco, analog, but with a great working steam ).
ANd I should not forget to mention: I will get 60 this year - yeah , a kind of older, but still loving the n-Scale-trains 😉 

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