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Kei Trucks—Lifesize!

Tony Galiani

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Speaking of Kei trucks, one just came up in our area on FB Marketplace.  1995 Suzuki carry 660.  $4000.  It has the good the bad and the ugly listed.  A little rough at idle, runs fine at speed.  Manual.  Clutch feels good.


I've see several kei trucks (not necessarily the above model) driving around including one at Home Deport a while back.  Utah seems kei friendly.


Edited by chadbag
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My limited experience of driving a suzuki carry of about that vintage around a farm in Hokkaido is that they are close to indestructible. And hey if the engine goes it’s pretty much small enough to take as handbaggage on your next trip to japan. (Might not leave much room for train purchases though)

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