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KATO Single Viaduct Power


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Is there a way I am missing to power a single viaduct line (all parts are viaduct line) ?




If I am using the power chord that is using the joiners, there is no way to run the cords through the viaduct walls as everything is tightly coupled. Is there a special part for this as I could not find one ?




Any help will be appreciated,  


Thank you



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Hello Midnighter90,


Than you for the answer. I have this power cable and it indeed attaches only to the double track viaduct.  


Thank you,



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Im pretty sure you just use the unijoiner feeders for the single viaduct. I dont remember seeing any botttom connectors for them like the double viaduct, nor any special parts. I wonder if the feeder wire can snake down into the pier? Really not used single viaduct much at all and not for a very long time.


hopefully someone here can have a good answer for you.



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Not the most elegant solution, but it works until I'll find something more organic. 







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Ha clever solution! 


You can make your own unijoiner feeds pretty easily. You just pull the metal track joiner out of a unijoiner and then put a stripped end of your feeder wire into the bottom of the plastic unijoiner and then slip the metal track joiner back into the unijoiner in the direction towards the end of the wire. This wedges the wire end between the bottom of the metal track joiner and the bottom of the plastic of the unijoiner. Its works out pretty secure and you can use up to 18g stranded wire doing this. 


To be even more secure you can just solder the wire end onto the bottom of the metal track joiner and then slip it back into the plastic unijoiner housing. I can pull some out and take pictures if you are interested. 


It works well as we did this for our newest club sectional layout and the unijoiners were very robust and we used 18g wire so much beefier than the Kato 22 or 24g wire.





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