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Paris to Strasbourg, fast and slow trains


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YouTube member lorirocks777 posted two interesting cab view videos of a trip from Paris-Est Station to Strasbourg station:


Via TGV:



Via conventional rail ("Classic" line):



Some comments:


1. This TGV line (LGV Est européenne or LN 6) is the line where the current world of 574.8 km/h was established for a conventional rail train.


2. The original Ligne 1 "classic" line trip has several stops, most importantly at the small city of Nancy along the way. From 3:35:18 to 3:36:30 in the video, note the line changes from left side running to right side running (note the flyover ramp on the westbound track during the change). A reason for this: this part of France was formerly part of Germany from 1871 to 1918, and as such the railroads in this area conformed to German style right-side running, probably when the line was originally built. Indeed, on the SNCF line from Strasbourg all the way south to Basel, it's all right side running.

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