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Looking for Hobby Shops in Japan which stock Kato DCC kits


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Hi all,


I’m planning a trip to Japan with family this upcoming April. I’m looking for stores in Japan (specifically in the Osaka and Tokyo areas) which sell Kato DCC freight locomotives in N scale. 

Would be great, if the store happens to have the following DCC trains:

- EH200

- EF81

- EF200


The train models are a bonus, if they have any similar trains also I wouldn’t mind. 

Anyone know if there’s any stores with the Kato models I mentioned?


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I'm sure you can find these in Joshin, Popondetta, HLP, Yodobashi etc. since these are anything but rare.


Joshin is the cheapest btw,, don't forget to get VAT off and to show your VISA card for extra discount.

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I would concur with @Yavianice.  Joshin Super Kids Land in Osaka should be your best deal in  the Osaka area.    They have huge selections and would most likely have those KATO trains.  The EF81 is made DCC by using a Digitrax or equivalent from TCS or other manufacturer decoder.  I think the Ex200s are the same as well.  The decoders can be purchased local to you.

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I third Joshin Super Kids Land in Osaka.  I wouldn't even buy anything in Tokyo.  Just go and look.  SKL is HUGE compared to the stores that I've visited in Tokyo.  On both my trips to Japan, my major purchases were at SKL.  Once in Osaka and once in Nagoya.  Osaka is their headquarters so you'll find the most there.  Be prepared to lose your money!  🤣


If you want used, go to Popondetta in Akihabara.  Used can save you some money as used items in Japan are pristine.  But you may have to hunt a bit more.


Like Yavianice said, don't forget your passport to SKL to waive the 10% VAT tax.  Credit card will net you another 5% off.

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1 hour ago, bc6 said:





Thanks for mentioning Joshin Super Kids I plan on staying in Osaka and will make that a destination while there.


Be sure to stop by Popondetta down the road (same street) to get a flavor of the used market.  I would stop there first so you don't walk in with a giant Joshin bag of stuff after visiting SKL.  🤣

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1 hour ago, bc6 said:

@Kingmeow Thanks for mentioning Popondetta I would have been upset if I hadn't known there was another shop so close.


Yes, just down a block or two.  I believe it's on the same side of the street.  It's right next to McDonald's, to the left if you are facing McDonald's.  You need to walk up some stairs.


BTW, this was me (I'm camera shy 😁) after exiting Joshin SKL in Nagoya.  That was the biggest bag they had.  You don't want to be carrying that into Popondetta.    🤣



Edited by Kingmeow
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Very cool, I can eat after I finish shopping as well perfect.


I don't blame you Im camera shy too and you'll never see me in a photo. I'll remember to have my duffle bag ready that I just purchased for situations like this lol. 

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@bc6 There are actually several model train shops near Joshin Super Kids Land in Osaka. 

Popondetta, Volks, Two Hobbyland Pochi's, and Green Max (Parts Pro Shop) all have model trains and are in stone's throw from Joshin. But Joshin is by far the cheapest, if you have your passport + VISA card. The main Volks store is in Kyoto, btw. Very big. 

In Tokyo, Tam Tam Akihabara, the Popondetta store, Hobbyland Pochi, Chatra, IMON, Yodobashi, and all the stores at Nakano have plenty to choose from.

Edited by Yavianice
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@Yavianice Thats very nice to hear, Im probably going to add GREENMAX to my destination of shops to go to when Osaka.


Thanks looks like I'm going to to update my Itinerary once again lol.

Im a big fan of GREENMAX and have several of their kits and other models. I think I want to pick up some parts while out there. 


I'll remember to use a Visa card when I visit Joshin, I'm not sure if I'll have time to go to Tokyo while I'm in Japan maybe I'll have to plan another trip just to visit Tokyo lol. 

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Whatever you do and wherever your go, you have to promise us that you will post pictures of your haul.  We are living vicariously through you!  🤣

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28 minutes ago, Kingmeow said:

Whatever you do and wherever your go, you have to promise us that you will post pictures of your haul.  We are living vicariously through you!  🤣


This ^^ - also planning a trip, but its a few years off, we wanna go for our 10th anniversary

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6 hours ago, Kingmeow said:

Whatever you do and wherever your go, you have to promise us that you will post pictures of your haul.  We are living vicariously through you!  🤣

Yes we have a forum topic just for the purpose. 

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I just spoke to a friend who is in Japan now.  He was at SKL in Osaka today and they no longer offer a 5% discount for using a credit card.  However, he did noticed that everything was 20% off MSRP/List Price.  This is independent of a passport discount of 10% for VAT waiver.


Not his first time there but still acted like it was.  😁  He said he left was a HUGE haul but wouldn't tell me or show me until he gets back next week.  Such a tease!  🤣

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I'm there in June so don't buy everything. I've visited most of the shops around Akihabara so I'd already planned to focus on Osaka / JKL this time round. Travelling to Japan on hand luggage; I suspect I won't be doing that going home.

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