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Hello from the Norhern part of the Netherlands


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Hello everyone here..


my name is Tom and i live in the Northern part of the Netherlands…. My job is co–pilot on a medical helicopter, and my hobbys are : Modelling and collecting stuff from world war 2.


I allways have been interested in train modelling and have very recently bought a M1 set from Kato in N-scale and a DD51 Lok. So as you can imagine i am an absolute newcommer to the hobby.


my plan is to switch to DCC (my DD51 already has a decoder ☺️) and i have been looking into a DCC-EX system to control them…


And I plan on making a Japanese layout with some JGSDF vehicles / helicopters …


Hope to learn a lot here and to show the (slow) progress of my layout






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Welcome Tom, glad you found us!


there is a lot of 1/144 JGSDF models out there that are close enough to Japanese n scale 1/144. @Kamome has done a number of flats with various JGSDF equipment lashed down on them.





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Welcome Tom,

Thanks for the mention @cteno4


Please humour me while I do a data dump to help you on your way.


As you have probably seen from the above thread, I have used the YSK models resin loads on Tomix Chiki 7000 wagons. The loads are somewhat difficult to find, even  in Japan, although I have found some at Joshin Super Kids land in Osaka. The other stockist I have purchased them from is WakiYaku Kuro-chan which is a smallish shop that specialises in scenic supplies amongst other things. They do have a website, have a small offering on an Amazon store and had a stand at JAM 2024 model railway conference in Tokyo. A model manufacturer called Pit Road produce 1/144 kits of a good number of JGSDF vehicles. These are a little too wide for the choice of flat wagons in my experience but you could make a fictional train. 


The YSK resin models are very good, but do require a good amount of clean up before painting. I have bought the Type 87 recon vehicles, gun barrel removed(No. 332), Type 73 APC(No. 173), FH70 155mm Howitzer (No. 331) and some of the material carrier vehicles(No. 175). The latter were by far the worst in terms of detail clarity and need some significant clean up and details painting back in. 


Pit Road 1/144 are nicely modelled with a good amount of detail. You get 3 models in each kit box. I have the Type 16 MCVs and the Type 99 155mm Howitzer, which are simple kits, but nicely detailed for the scale.


Other options, Aoshima produce a model of the C2 transport planes in 1/144,



Platz produce a number of fighter aircraft and "helis" in 1/144



Your DD51 is a perfect locomotive for Hokkaido, other locos have been freight EF66, EF65, DF200 and EH500 dependant on the base transporting.


Here are some links to help you find some info


YSK Models loads



Pit Road 1/144 Models



Waki Yaku Kuro-chan



List of JGSDF Vehicles and equipment



Here’s an images of a Type 96, 8 wheeled vehicles traveling by rail on a loading rig for container flats, none of which is available commercially.



The other hole in the range is for the Komatsu LAVs which are not commercially produced in 1/150 or 1/144 as I write this.


Some video links.





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Hi guys and especially Kamome-san,


Thank you very much for the warm welcome and the wealth of information ! Domo arrigato gozaimasu ! 🙏


The models will be difficult to get here in Europe but i already ordered some Chiki 7000 wagons and the Pit-road type 16 (which will probably to wide but i wanted them anyway….


Also I’m trying to get a few HMV’s (High Mobility Vehicles) but they are almost impossible to find 😫


I’ll keep you informed of my progress!




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13 hours ago, mp44_tom said:

i already ordered some Chiki 7000 wagons and the Pit-road type 16

You may find the wheel width slightly too wide for the Chikis but you could fashion some loading rigs from plasti-card and plastic beams (Evergreen or Tamiya)

The Type 16s are a feasible size to make train loads, as they're also not very tall.(minus aerial wire)

Hopefully this image illustrates the size difference alongside Kato n scale figure. You can see they are a reasonable compromise on scale together.



Just will need to check clearances on platforms as the YSK loads are the full width of the Chiki.




and why not




Edited by Kamome
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