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As mentioned in a post in my Shorty Layout Topic, sometimes I change the topic of my (attempts of) modelling and switch over to aviation in scale 500. 

As for the planes themself, they are way too fiddly and small. So I buy them and don't change or modify them. At least not yet.

My plan so far is to build two dioramas. One will be a section of the terminal and tower of the now closed Berlin-Tegel Airport (TXL). I've built some paper mock-ups of some parts of the terminal and tower. 




The other airport is a part of the satellite terminal of the airport Madrid-Barajas (MAD). For this one I have only managed to produce some very crude mockups to figure out how to build the protruding structure and the roof covering which is will be a challenge for itself. 




I'll post as soon as there is new mock-ups, ideas, ... Progress might be as slow as the development of the N scale stuff, we'll see! 

Edited by kami_illy
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This is something I've thought of often, too - to build something representing a bit of Vancouver International in the 80s, and Budapest in the 80s... but space, cost... and the planes I'd need particularly for Vancouver are hard to come by and pricey when I do see them. But maybe one day, just a small part of the terminal, like you're doing for Tegel.

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17 hours ago, Pashina12 said:

This is something I've thought of often, too - to build something representing a bit of Vancouver International in the 80s, and Budapest in the 80s... but space, cost... and the planes I'd need particularly for Vancouver are hard to come by and pricey when I do see them. But maybe one day, just a small part of the terminal, like you're doing for Tegel.


Yeah, i know what you mean. I was looking for some pretty specific planes as well. For example, I was looking for a 737-200 of Peruvian in the 2017-ish livery. Maybe I'll just buy any 737-200 and repaint it at some point... Sometimes even the more modern and typical ones just don't exist (in this case I've been looking for a 787-9 of Japan Airlines in current livery, but only the -8 is availably in scale 500...) 


Since (at least for me) it takes some time to research and draw all the things you'll need for the buildings, tarmac / apron, ... you can already start with that and eventually you'll come across the right planes for the right price. Or you'll make your own 😉

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I seem to remember a while back on one of the diecast model forums there was someone doing custom runs of decals for 1:500, I'm sure with the improvements in printing tech since then there are even more options. 


I'd love to retrieve my collection from storage and put some on display but it will be a while until that happens.



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