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Rokuhan RC-03 Controller issue

K9-318 N-scaler

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K9-318 N-scaler

I am using the Rokuhan RC-03 controller for a small n scale coffee table layout.  

1st question, my power starts at 11.6 volts (with AC power) but drips to 10 right out of the black plug. Then drops to 7 as train runs. After two laps (slow) trouble light comes on. 


2nd question, what is the name of the connectors for the turnout switches? 


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Sounds like the engine is drawing too much power and overloading the controller. It’s a z scale controller so not built for full n scale engine needs most likely.


I’m a bit confused on your voltages: the 11.6v is rated voltage on the ac wall wart? 10v is what is measured coming out of the wall wart plug (black plug) or out of the controller box output at full throttle? 7v is measured on track with train running full throttle? Is your constant lighting on or off in the tests?


The old and new versions of the transformer for this controller is a 10v output, but at 100v ac input. If you are using this with 110/120v ac input then the transformer wall wart may put out more voltage like 11.6v (newer universal wall wart transformers have voltage regulators that keep constant voltage output over a wide range of input voltages). This may not make the controller happy getting excess voltage input. Most engineers over design circuits to deal with small variances, but may be pushing it. Also this is a pwm controller with high frequency pwm output for constant lighting and some motors don’t like pwm as much. The constant lighting output can also effect how the motor runs if you put it up high it can start the motor running. 



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  • cteno4 changed the title to Rokuhan RC-03 Controller issue

It dips to 10V AC because this is maximum rated voltage.  This controller is designed for Japanese domestic mains at AC 100V 50/60Hz 16VA.  Its not a 100/120V AC controller as you are using it.  The trouble light is coming on because it is overheating at these voltages.





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I have dealt with many input voltage issues both for Model Railways from Japan as well as for other electronics.


I am not sure where you live and what your regional power is, but I can't stress enough that by using the incorrect power supplies, you are going to damage your gear weather it is a sudden pop and blue smoke, or a gradual death.


If you follow the advice given in the previous replies, I also suggest you visit a local electronics specialist store with the information in regards to what Volts/Amps/Frequency the controller requires and obtain a suitable local power supply. In the meantime, I would suggest using batteries in the controller.


And as mentioned also in the replies, the Rokuhan controller is designed for Z Scale. May i suggest you find a more suitable controller for N scale such as a Tomix or Kato Controller?


Where are you located?

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Rokuhan have themselves placed videos on their own YouTube channel showing their controllers being used with N scale. I use Rokuhan controllers with N and HO-Naro when doing temporary setups as the ability to use battery power is very convenient in a temporary installation. There have been no issues.


There is not much difference between N and Z in terms of power needs, especially with modern coreless motors. And if an N scale model is more power hungry then all that will happen is that it will not be able to run as fast as with an N scale controller. No damage will occur. It's the use of high powered large scale controllers with small scale models that is dangerous, not the other way round.


The issue is almost certainly on the supply side, not the demand side. What transformer is being used to supply the controller?

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