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Two coupler questions - C11 and bogie-mount


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So I've got two coupler questions:


First - I seem to recall having read somewhere that MT do have a coupler that can be used as-is to swap out the rapidos that are mounted to the bogie e.g. on tank cars - is this true? If so, which one?


Second is the big one: has anyone replaced the dummy coupler on the front of a Kato C11 with a functional one? I'd greatly appreciate insights/suggestions on how to do that, as a front coupler on my C11 is essential for shunting...

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7 hours ago, Anvalo said:


Found some info on our JNS forum:


I am also a bit curious if there are any (available) couplers like Kadee and Dapol Easi-Shunt which will fit on Kato/Tomix rolling stock.


Yeah, I saw that thread, that's partly what inspired my question.


One of my C11s was refitted by a friend to have an MT coupler at the rear; I'm kicking myself for not having had him do the front end, too, as he was a genius with that sort of thing and he now lives far away up north.


All my freight stock is fitted with MT couplers as well but I'll be getting some tank cars that will need to be refitted, and since my layout is a shunting plank I need the MTs on the front of my C11s, too...

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