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Hello from Melbourne and sometimes Tokyo


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Hi there, Ed from Melbourne although work takes me to and through Japan fairly regularly. 

I got back into modelling after buying a Kato mini diorama kit last year in Tokyo after seeing it advertised somewhere. We also found out my wife was pregnant on that trip so a completely forgot about it till later this year. I was looking for something to do in the evening that didn’t involve a screen and found the kit and had fun doing it. (I’d had a bunch of Swiss N stuff as a kid). 

So that was good and I bought a couple of other mini diorama bases and a Kiha100 and started playing. I speak and write some Japanese and found these great little paper station kits from Kiha Koubou, designed for the mini diorama straights. 

That lead to building some of their paper rolling stock, although as my handle suggests I need to finish painting them and putting windows in. 

I guess I am up and running because on my most recent swing through Tokyo I bought some Aru models totemo kantan brass kits of the Oigawa railway diesel loco and associated carriages. I’m really hoping they are とても簡単 because I’ve not had much exposure to brass so far. 

anyway what brought me here is thoughts of a modest, probably suitcase or box file, layout in Nj 7.1mm gauge. I was looking for people who’d gone down that route before and found @Kamome442’s incredible and inspirational Yurakucho project. 

So here I am figuring things out. よろしくお願いします🙇

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Hi Ed,


Welcome and congratulations on becoming a dad. 

Thank you for the shout out, you may notice I am also very good a starting projects and less efficient at finishing them! 

It is good see you a going give Nj scale a try. I have not updated Yurakucho for a while, that is because I have been working on a technique for making 7.1mm track. Hopefully my next post will be of some use to you.

I look forward to seeing layout develop. If I can help in anyway let me know.



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Hi Ed, glad you found us!


the mini dioramas are a really great way to get going again with minimal costs, space and time. I’ve been working on a project called mini onetrak to do a similar thing between the mini modules and Ttrak using wooden canvases as bases. The wooden canvases are inexpensive and in a variety of sizes and shapes to play with.


nice find with the kiha koubou mini diorama station kits, I was wondering if someone was going  to make kits for small structures that could fit on the mini diorama modules.


keep us posted on your progress.





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