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TOMIX N-1000-CL exploded


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Hello, i needed help with my tomix controller, i few Little know about soldering and electrical stuff. Yet along the way i made it worse. The story starts where i accidentally plugged the controller to a 220v hole. Luckily i discovered that the only thing that combusted was the fuse..so i bought a 3A fuse (unknowingly i never considered the volts of the fuse,so i accidentally bought 220v 3A), As i successfully bought the fuse and used it for the controller, the transformer exploded. Can this be repaireable? All I'm trying to find now is what kind of transformer ill buy. 1000 thank yous for helping me.




Edited by Muller_ivanov
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I'm pretty bad at electronics, but might it be easier and cheaper to get a new controller that uses a fast-switching transformer plug?    These will run happily on 110-250V.

Edited by Damo Jr.
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Buy a 1001-CL, the transformer they come with can do 110-220V. You will only have to change the cord. But that's a standard part you can easily find around you.

The 1000-CL is rather old, the 1001-CL came out in 2009.

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