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Layout 26 from "N Gauge Layout Collection" modified

Mister Gee

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I've been tinkering with layout 26 - instead of isolated upper and lower sections at the top of the diagram, I've inserted the Tomix Multi-level Station 91043. Let me know what y'all think.



Layout 26 with two level station.jpg

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Mister Gee

I've changed things up a little and decided that simpler is better. This is a modified version of Layout 25 from the same book. My idea is to place a station with opposing platforms just to the left of the crossover. That inside track would be a maintenance depot where the two track spur is, and the other three tracks would be a large station complex. I'll possibly incorporate a hill with a tunnel on one of the curved sections to break things up, and the center area will be separated from the other station with a series of buildings - a built-up urban area. If anyone has any observations, please feel free to let me know.



Layout 25.jpg

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Nice, I like the little bump out, done gracefully and will make some interesting but not extreme car movements. Keep it visible!





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Mister Gee
21 hours ago, cteno4 said:

Nice, I like the little bump out, done gracefully and will make some interesting but not extreme car movements. Keep it visible!



Thanks Jeff - honestly, I tried coming up with a layout in the same space where I could have an elevated station, but nothing would fit properly, and it just got more and more complicated. I'd like to get up and running sooner rather than later. Appreciate the feedback!



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Yeah in a small layout it gets very tight to do stuff with grades. At some point best to just get going. Grades also take their own tinkering with your rolling stock.


you can work on scenery to help block views some so you don’t see the loop play out as much and accentuate views on the bump out there where it’s not just the usual 90 or 180.


keep us posted, always interesting and educational to see what folks do!





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