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Tomix N700-3000 coupler problems

Martijn Meerts

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Martijn Meerts

I haven't really tried fixing this, or actually see what's wrong, but I'm wondering if anyone else has some across this problem. It's not limited to the N700-3000, I believe the 0-2000 has some of the same problems. Both sets have the new power conducting coupler system. The N700-3000 full set are numbers 92351, 92352, 92353 and 92354.


The issue is that some cars don't couple well, it's almost like the coupling rods are slightly too short. Especially the 2 motor cars seem to have this problem. You can get them to couple by lifting the cars a little. The problem is that the simulated diaphragm ends up being too tight, which in turn results in the diaphragm not straightening out after a curve. In the worst case, the train will derail.


I've had the train for quite a while, but since I've never had the space to test any of my trains until now, I've only come across the issue today. Did a bit of searching, but haven't really been able to find anyone mentioning the same problem.


If (some of) the N700-3000 and the 0-2000 sets have this problem, there's a fair chance the upcoming 300 series re-release will have them as well.

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Martijn Meerts

I tested the Tomix 0-2000 with the same coupling system now as well. Absolutely no problem at all. It does look like the diaphragm bits are improved slightly, more specifically they're sprung stronger than on the N700-3000.


On closer inspection, the N700-3000 couplers on the motor cars seem ever so slightly shorter than the ones on the other cars. If that's really the case though, you'd expect to be able to find something about it on the net...

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Martijn Meerts

Here's some pictures of the coupler problem. Both pictures show the coupler on straight track. It's clearly visible that the cars aren't aligned, and that the left one is being pushed outwards. It can get so bad that the cars actually hit the little tabs on the Tomix turnouts, and throw the turnout...




The other picture is of a non-standard container that somehow managed to find a spot on one of the container cars.. I wonder what it's transporting ;)




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After seeing your photos I understand your problem and you are NOT alone with it. The diaphragm pieces don't straighten as they should after a curve. So maybe we both have faulty sets. Well I'm getting used to Tomix.... I ordered some sets last year because many people have made good experiences. It's not like I completely dislike the brand but the N700 is one of the bigger disapointments... I have more to complain about.... 

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Martijn Meerts

After seeing your photos I understand your problem and you are NOT alone with it. The diaphragm pieces don't straighten as they should after a curve. So maybe we both have faulty sets. Well I'm getting used to Tomix.... I ordered some sets last year because many people have made good experiences. It's not like I completely dislike the brand but the N700 is one of the bigger disapointments... I have more to complain about.... 


Does your N700 have the problem mainly at the motor car(s) as well? It's a shame really, because it runs really well other than that slight issue. I still need to look at it in detail at some point, but I won't be doing that for a while.


It's really the only problem I've had with Tomix so far, everything else runs just fine.

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After seeing your photos I understand your problem and you are NOT alone with it. The diaphragm pieces don't straighten as they should after a curve. So maybe we both have faulty sets. Well I'm getting used to Tomix.... I ordered some sets last year because many people have made good experiences. It's not like I completely dislike the brand but the N700 is one of the bigger disapointments... I have more to complain about.... 


According to the same blog, Kato N700 is not the greatest in quality too.


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Martijn Meerts

Yeah, I've read that. If I remember right, the N700 is one of the first Tomix shinkansen with the power conducting couplers, so it's not unheard of that they might be faulty with some units. Once I get to the point where I'll start adding detail parts and decals, I'll have another good look at the N700, see if it's fixable. Otherwise I'll just get in touch with Mr. Stoll and see if he knows anything.

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