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Ordering replacement truck for older? Kato model


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I have a DCC equipped version of the following model:



Here's the link to the info about the model (mostly in Japanese): https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10965909/50/4


The back truck (the truck pointing towards the power unit, rather than at the head) of non-powered, lighted car 115 melted in an unfortunate accident with our club layout and a faulty switch. Fortunately, the train itself was not damaged, only the truck. I need to be able to replace the truck, but I don't know the first thing about where to start. It looks different than most of the Kato models I'm familiar with. This is a seemingly old model that I bought used at a trade show. I have attached pictures, would anyone know either what type of truck this is or perhaps a method for trying to find a replacement?


Thank you!





Edited by Markakis2014
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  • Markakis2014 changed the title to Ordering replacement truck for older? Kato model

This is the closest I've seen so far, it doesn't look exactly the same but might be close enough?




The issue is that I cannot read Japanese, and the automatic translations on kato's japanese website are a bit rough, so it makes it hard to browse and find the correct things.

Edited by Markakis2014
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On the kato website they list the "assy parts table" linked next to the product number.  Which train car and truck was broken?  

From the photos my guess is you need the rear truck from one of the cab cars, if its the KUMOHA115 non-cab end, then it should be kato part 4873-1D.  It may be worth reaching out to a Japanese hobby store to ask about availability.  


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2 minutes ago, Markakis2014 said:

Further update, these look about right in the picture. Just don't know what model they are referencing:




This would work, this truck is very similar to the one on the model, but is for a non-motored car.  It should fit fine on your model and will be very close to the factory truck.

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On 10/28/2024 at 8:22 PM, Kamome said:

Looks like the DT21 are in stock at Kato Japan. Kato USA may be able to procure but you may have to expect a couple months wait.



I had something very similar happen to a model of mine recently.  I found the part; does Kato Japan ship internationally?  It looks like you can’t even register unless you live in Japan.

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