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Iori Koubou Lasercut Kits


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I haven’t done any of the iori Koubou ones but I have done the Kiha Koubou ones. My learning from those is after gluing up the side wall layers, squish them flat under a heavy book to minimise bowing. Basically any moisture will encourage bowing. Mr finishing surfacer spray (or similar) is a good way of sealing before painting. 

If you want something cheap to practice on Kiha Koubou has a beginners shorty Kiha20 designed to fit on the Kato shorty chassis. It’s about 1000yen and doubles up on all the parts so if you don’t screw up you end up with two little Kihas. 

Iori have a really nice Sj (16.5mm gauge) scale model of the oigawa line DD20 which I really want to do at some point. 

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I have one Iori Koubou kit, but it's a house, not a train. I haven't built it yet. One thing I like about it more than the Sankei kits, is that the roof tiles are actually textured in the Iori kit.

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  • Steve changed the title to Iori Koubou Lasercut Kits

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