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Tezmo Syndrome - A Model Train Manga!

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Hey there!

Recently I came across this neat little Manga on Rail Hobidas' website about older model trains.

Unfortunately this manga isn't available in English, which is why I've taken it upon myself to make a "rough translation" using machine translating tools and my (very amateurish) typesetting skills. I've tried to fact-check and correct any inaccuracies caused by the robot but considering my non-existent Japanese skills, some inaccuracies and errors are bound to have happened...


I have uploaded the results on MangaDex if you wanna check it out: Link


Here's the original (free!) online site release: Link

The manga also got it's first Volume release recently: HobbySearch Link




(Note: I am not affiliated with the Author or Publisher of this manga; This is a one man passion project in hopes of raising more interest for this manga and the hobby; I don't make any money from this, nor will I take any as I am not in a position to do so in my opinion)

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Chapter 2 of Tezmo Syndrome is now out on MangaDex!

The SFX work took me longer than expected along with some tricky research I had to do to verify some information. On this note a shoutout to @200系 for helping out with the consist information!
Otherwise this chapter features some other quality improvements:

  • Quadrupled text resolution for increased readability
  • More SFX translations
  • More standardised typesetting

Feedback is always welcome, so please don't hesitate to leave any!




On 10/25/2024 at 9:28 AM, Mutro said:

I could definitely identify with the storyline!


I think most of us here could 😅

Seeing that one incomplete train consist always gave me an urge to just buy the missing add-on set...


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Thanks again!.  I'm new to this website MangaDex...  I was wondering if there is a way to download and view on a platform like Kindle or Apple Book?  That would make viewing a lot easier.


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1 hour ago, Mutro said:

I was wondering if there is a way to download and view on a platform like Kindle or Apple Book?  That would make viewing a lot easier.


Hmm, I didn't really think about exporting the files for use on other plattforms until now, since the most Manga is read online, but...


Since MangaDex doesn't really support downloading manga I've uploaded both chapters as .PDF and .CBZ files on Google Drive (under "Bundled Releases"; I personally recommend the .CBZ files since those seem to suffer less compression)


Importing those into any E-book program should be quite easy, though you should check which formats are supported.


I also upload the loose PNG files on the Drive in case anyone wants those.Additionally I upload finished pages of WIP chapters on there ("Regular" updates on the WIP chapter are available on this Forums Discord Server)


Hope this helps,


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Chapter 3 of Tezmo Syndrome is out on MangaDex!


Sorry for the looong wait, life has unfortunately been getting very busy and I've struggled to find time until this holiday season...
I tried my hand at redrawing this time, with decent results I'd say 🙂

I am not 100% sure when I can finish the next chapters, but expect to see something mid-February. 


Bundled .CBZ; .PDF and Loose .PNG files are also available now on Google Drive

I hope this little gift provides some extra enjoyment to some this holiday season.

If you have any feedback, feel free to message me or contact me otherwise. Any feedback is as always much appreciated!


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Chapter 4 of Tezmo Syndrome is out on MangaDex!


I'm afraid Life hasn't gotten less busy, so this one took a loong while to finish...

The next chapter is very short though, so I'll try to finish that one ASAP, so look forward to seeing that one soon!


(Bundled .CBZ; .PDF and Loose .PNG files are also available now on Google Drive)

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Chapter 5 of Tezmo Syndrome is out on MangaDex!


As I said this chapter is rather short and was pretty quick to typeset and whatever. I also changed the font and typesetting style to make the text more readable at a distance.

The next month or so will be rather busy for me again, so the next chapter will probably be back in the regular "whenever-I-want-to-procrastinate-something-else" release rhythm 😅

I do look forward to working on the next chapter though since that one's finally about locomotives 🙂


Bundled .CBZ; .PDF and Loose .PNG files are also available now on Google Drive!


If you have any feedback, feel free to message me or contact me otherwise. Any feedback is as always much appreciated!

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Yeah, the word plays and some jokes sometimes give me quite the headaches. While I only rewrite a machine translation, I do often have to look up kanji to understand some garbled jokes and to rewrite them. I think I'm also slowly picking up some katakana since that's what all the SFX-effects use lol...

Though I guess it shows that the author is a modeller by passion too. The dialogue is usually peppered with witty details. It's a bit of a shame some of that is lost in translation, but I add my own spins on the jokes where I feel it's appropriate

The depictions of trains/models is also quite amazing IMO. The most recent chapter 43 is a good showcase of that I think: Almost every page is filled with some panel that is sure to please the inner rivet counter (TBH I wish I could just skip all other chapters to translate that one but doing that would be pretty jarring). Even most trains in the background are detailed enough to be identified, like in chapter 5.


But yeah, I hope I explain and adapt the original word plays well enough to keep the chapters for the chapters to at least stay readable 😅

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3 hours ago, gibet_b said:

I'm curious : is the author knowing about this translation ?


Well, to put it bluntly: Not that I am aware of...


I haven't made an effort to reach out as of yet, though it did cross my mind at some point. It didn't help that the last few months were quite busy and stressful for me, so that didn't quite help...


I guess I'll shoot the author an E-Mail today and see what his opinion is on the whole thing. It's kinda long overdue anyhow, especially since I'll at least attempt to finish the rest of the series.


The E-Mail the author provides seemingly doesn't work 🫠
Guess I'll try to get my disused Twitter account back up to try and contact him there, even if I'd rather not use that site...

Edited by SwallowAngel
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