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The Rokuhan Z scale Baltimore and Ohio USRA 0-6-0 in Z


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Well it arrived from Osaka Japan this morning. The much anticipated Baltimore and Ohio 0-6-0 tender engine made by Rokuhan. This is their first attempt at doing U.S outline in Z and they have nailed it!

The USRA 0-6-0 was a standard loco ordered by the United States Railroad Administration in World War 1. The Baltimore and Ohio received 40 out of the 255 built. Subsequently it stayed in production (These locos are known as copies and many thousands were constructed)




the running is faultless. in the video it is see running on the test track in the office and then on Hakuho in the workshop, both light engine and with some typical USA freight cars. It starts smoothly and slowly, Runs very slowly if required, equally well in either direction

There are some things to note though. First it is designed to go round a minimum track radius of 195mm. No problem for me. Secondly Rokuhan and the guys on Trainboard are all warning that the wires that take the current from the tender pickups to the loco are really delicate and the loco should be handled with care. It does rely on the tender pickups a lot

The instructions are in very good English for once and there is detailed desription on how to convert it to DCC ( I won't be bothering with that)

I think his loco will do very well and hopefully it will encourage Rokuhan to do some other American prototypes



We are at Barrow show in two weeks time and will give it a good workout there




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We ran it at the Furness model railway exhibition on my Hakuho Z scale layout as a couple of Z scale modellers were coming to see it. Exhibition running is a lot more testing than in the workshop. It was as good as at home. As most of the rolling stock on Hakuho is fitted with Rapido type couplings we resorted to using the log car set  which has MTL magnematics and it all worked perfectly all weekend including pushing the cars into the timber yard.



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