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Tohoku Shinkansen train uncoupled, Sep 19 2024

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I don't see any open topic about this, so here it goes:




At around 8am on Sep 19, a Komachi-Hayabusa shinkansen bound for Tokyo uncoupled before Sendai station while traveling at 315 kph.

No derailment and no one got injured fortunately, investigation is still underway. There's still no sign of what might have cause the incident.

All services between Tokyo and Shin Aomori were suspended for five hours.


We've seen a bit too many bad news regarding Japan railways lately, with the data tempering of JR Freight, the derailment of the maintenance trains and now this for JR Central, and now this for JR East.

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The news outlets here in Japan went ballistic with reports about it yesterday.


Took them 5 hours to get trains moving again. Moved them off separately under their own power.


Woke up this morning. And there's more articles with the CEO getting a grilling from reporters.

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