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Stadler "Citylink" Tram-Train Vehicles: Ideal Candidate for Tomytec World Railway Collection


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Some discussion popped up recently on a German model tram forum about the Citylink tram-train design being built by manufacturer Stadler. A consortium of operating properties in Germany and Austria have signed on to a new order for delivery of up to 504 of them, while other systems already have them. A tram-train is a light rail vehicle design that also can be operated on mainline railroads in Europe. With this many potential vehicles being built for at least 6 transport operators (plus those that already have them), it's a great candidate for a model manufacturer to produce. The German modelers, mostly doing HO, are wondering who might make models now that Halling is in unstable circumstances.


As a N-gauger, I immediately thought of the Tomytec World Railway Collection as a perfect match, as a natural follow-on to the Adtranz and Tatra models. I am not sure whether Tomytec would commit to doing this without a European partner. How can we mount a campaign in Japan and Europe to advocate for this and help make it happen?






Rich K.

Edited by brill27mcb
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Write about it here on JNS! Also try kitbashing your own and document it here is a sure fire way of getting Tomytec to announce it about half way thru your project!



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The Adtranz low floor trams have Japanese prototypes. I think  the T3 was in advance of the 60th anniversary of the T3.

Edited by bill937ca
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The German-built trams in Japanese that I am aware of are the Siemens Combino ones in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Have there been Adtranz GT6 trams in Japan, too?


Rich K.

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11 hours ago, brill27mcb said:

The German-built trams in Japanese that I am aware of are the Siemens Combino ones in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Have there been Adtranz GT6 trams in Japan, too?


Rich K.

More  than you might imagine. "GT4/6N/K vehicles were produced for the cities of Kumamoto , Okayama , Takaoka , Toyama , Fukui and Echizen "  Germans know trams. They are the ones with monthly tram magazines and travel in big groups through Europe. German Wikipedia is usually more detailed.





Edited by bill937ca
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