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Kato E5&E6 dcc EM13 consist?


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So I have the two trains: Kato 10-1663 JR Series E5 Shinkansen Hayabusa and Kato 10-1566 Series E6 Akita Shinkansen Komachi. I've put the DCC decoders. Everything works perfect. But now I want to couple them and make a consist. The problem is how? If I put them on same adress, i couldn't run them separately. It is possible to program EM13 for that? I searched the internet and i found something about CV19 adress. 

Any ideas?


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CV19 is the standard CV for Advanced Consisting (= consisting managed by the decoders themselves).

I have never tried this function with the EM13, but the website "Sumida Crossing" claims that Advanced Consisting is possible with the EM13 (see http://www.sumidacrossing.org/Musings/files/130113_Configuring_The_EM13_Part_I.php for the details, and drawbacks).

Trying is simple enough. Just write the same non-zero, two-digit address to the CV19 of both decoders (the decoders of the E5 and the E6). After that, they should both respond to the DCC speed commands sent to that address.


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