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85x60cm Z-scale mountain layout


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Last summer went to Japan and felt in love Rokuhan's shorties so had to build a small layout with them. I did not have much space so I decided the layout would be a mountain railroad that climbs from a city to a Shinto Shrine. I've been all year building the layout and now that it's almost done I would like to share some photos.


I know it is difficult to follow the railway through so many spirals, but will try to make it understandable. 






2D map turned real:






As you can see is a completely made-up railway and probably I will be mixing japanese elements that do not belong in that way. Sorry if the layout is not totally accurate. 

Still many small details are pending. I have already DCC-ed all turnouts and will try soon to start installing the decoders for the power chasis. Hope to finish soon and be able to take more photos and record some videos.

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The section with the steepest slope I would say is the one in red. Where it climbs about ~4cm in ~45cm of track section ~8.8%.


However the inversion that is prior to it (shown un blue), limits the trains I can send up the slope to 2 coaches maximum. While the tracks at height 0 are though for any train, the mountain stations and tracks are only though for 2 coaches length trains.


With 2 coaches 1 motorized + 1 chasis, the shortys climb up good. With more it would slip for sure. If I raise the modle slightly from one end, the motor chasis does slip at the straight section. Not at the curved section, probably because on curved tracks has better grip?




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Great concept! The drawings make it clear that it's a true "spaghetti layout" but it's one that works well. There's no need to worry about "accuracy" on a layout of this sort - it's more about the visual interest and appeal. This would be a great exhibition layout to take out and display at public shows. You can also keep yourself busy for a long time doing the "MeTheSwede" thing and tucking little mini-story scenes everywhere on it.


Rich K.

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Hi all, been this weekend starting wirh the decoders and It is really really to fit the decoders inside the chasis. Need still to improve my skills.



I only found two YouTube videos of people trying to do this. Any Shorty-user here that tried? Do you have any recommendations?


Keep you updated



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