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Junech's Sideprojects


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I will use this topic to show side projects that are not necessarily for my Japanese N-scale layout.


For the first little project, my club layout needed a bike shelter and although it is a German-based layout I thought that the shelters that I saw all over the place looking along the Tarumi Line would still fit nicely (and I can later downscale it from H0 to N).


As a reference, I used the shelters at Tarumi Station (Google Maps) and Tanigumiguchi Station (Google Maps). With some research, I found that they were probably made by Takubo (Website). That way I just took the measurements of their current model and created the 3D model and after some adjustments to fit the minimal requirements of my printer I got it printed.




Since it was just the prototype and needs some additional adjustments it got just a quick paint job:



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Final prototype of the H0 model for my clubs layout is done and the needed units are printing. Did a scaled-down N-scale version as well but I will try to make the parts a bit thinner with the next print.





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While the shelters are waiting for another member to finish their part on the layout I got to make and plant some trees on the layout:





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With my club's next exhibitions approaching (one in each of the next three months), my focus switched from my own projects to finishing and preparing stuff there.


While there are some additional trees and other landscaping, a huge task arose. We have some 20+ years old steam engines for one of the club's layouts starting to show signs of zinc rot. With the product being out of production for way over a decade getting replacement parts wasn't a real option since a lot of replacements seem to have the same problem. The only option to save them was 3D printing replacement parts. So I started searching for old pictures of the steam engines and with enough found the modeling process.


Took me the better half of 3 weeks to finally finishing this 3D model:


With 3D printing being more detailed than the old diecast there are some nice additional features. But the pipes are too thin to print so the next task will be to get some cables to fit into their place and I need to order some lead as a weight to keep the locomotive in balance. Another good thing about the new part is that I have already prepared it to install some SMDs to add some headlights to it.


A small comparison of the old and damaged part on the left and the new part on the right (still missing its pipes):




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I gave the railcar and the additional detailing parts their paint today. Need to look into ordering decals now (after deciding how many I'm gonna print in the final version)




On another note:

A club member did some video recording after we were done setting up for the exhibition just after Christmas. If you want the take a small look at the clubs' layouts. The railcar is for the layout called "Altenpleen" a prototypical station of the former "Franzburger Kreisbahn".

You can also see a shortened version of my H0 layout project called "Riekdahl" which is orientated heavily on a prototypical scene as well. It is just a bit shortened and has an added overhead line compared to its time period around 1982.


Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaQG8OINVVc



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