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Micro tram layout with 103mm curves in a 57cm x 32cm space


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@eldomtom2 I think bill was referring to using a small cork bulletin board as a base for your little tram loop. Many use premade little cork bulletin boards with or without small wooden frames as a little premade layout base for the loop. The boards usually have a layer of cork and a layer of stiff backing material (ply wood, plastic, or some sort of mdf).


Not sure if I exactly get what you are asking about. Do you want to connect the little loop layout to a larger layout? If so then you either need a ramp from the track on the table (is this the “temporary” track?) to the little mini loop or put some sort of substrate under the track on the table to hold it up higher and level with the mini loop, height depend on how thick the base is you will use on your mini loop layout. Foam core is usually around 5-6mm and easily available, but depending on humidity it can warp some. Can shim a layer of foamcore with small blocks of he right height cardboard if needed. Extruded polystyrene foam is great product for a substrate to lift track, but usually it’s 0.5” thick at a minimum.



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After some fiddling around with the track I've finally come up with this pretty-much final design, which seems to eliminate derailments - certainly with this design the Kato Pocket Line electric loco will happily propel two wagons around the entire layout, whereas previously it would sometimes attempt to engage in multi-track drifting even on its own. The only disadvantage is it means making the passing loop very short.


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