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Budget airbrush choices


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I've been thinking about getting an airbrush but don't want to splurge on the higher end models and pro-level compressors. I'm curious to know if anyone has any experience with either the Airtex Meteor 2 or Iwata's NEO CN set. Both are relatively budget level, BUT the Airtex is more than half the price of the Iwata set. I've never used an airbrush before, and potential uses would be for priming models as well as weathering scenery, rolling stock and structures.


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I don't know about the Airtex but Iwata's are the gold standard that everyone compares to.  But you do pay for that quality as you have found out being twice the price of the Airtex.  For weathering and fine work that we do, you may want to use a double action airbrush as that will allow you to independently control the air flow and paint flow.

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Both of these models are double action, and I think that is a requirement for sure. The one thing I note about these "cheaper" airbrush sets is the lower psi - generally maxing out at 25. I guess I'm wondering if more psi is required and/or necessary.  Thanks!

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