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Japan Domestic TV show heads up- 100 kame/NHK (sogo) Mon. July 22

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bikkuri bahn

Forum members based in Japan may be interested in checking out the NHK program "100 kame" (one hundred cameras)- the topic of next weeks program (July 22, 7:57pm~) is a visit to Tokyo Metro's central traffic control center, the first time ever this facility has been featured in the media.  Positioning multiple cameras at various vantage points, it aims to capture the day to day operations of this facility. including when the inevitable schedule disruption occurs.  Also featured is Kotake Mukaihara station, featuring 34 switchpoints and 118 train arrivals/departures per 2 hour morning rush.  Should be interesting, and may reveal some hitherto unknown (to the public) aspects of railway operations.


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Thanks. I wonder if this will be on their streaming service. Do they put everything on there?


I ask because years ago there was a documentary about cable porn and I wanted to see it, but it didn't seem to be on there.

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