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Hell, AKA stranded at a Greyhound Bus Station

bikkuri bahn

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Unbelievable... I smell lawsuits and unemployement for some Greyhound's employees. That would be well deserved.


What I don't get is: why are they stuck in Memphis in the first place? Bad weather conditions?

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Unbelievable... I smell lawsuits and unemployement for some Greyhound's employees. That would be well deserved.


What I don't get is: why are they stuck in Memphis in the first place? Bad weather conditions?


Yes.  People were stranded in Atlanta, Charlotte and Richmond too because of icy roads.








Of course, JR hasn't been entirely problem free this winter either.

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Ya, there was some nasty weather between Memphis and St Louis this weekend, although thankfully most of it missed St Louis proper.


What crap, though.

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Seems like certain routes, namely the St. Louis-bound bus was canceled and kept canceled (other routes like a Chicago-bound bus was opened). I rode Greyhound once. It was to be my first, and last experience with Greyhound.

(ack got beat by other members :P )


yikes.... fox.... I had my first look at Fox Business while reading some articles at Infrastructurist today... I could not stand watching one of the video debates about HSR for more than a few minutes b/c of the very rude host you can't debate against because he constantly interrupts you.... x_x;;

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Mudkip Orange

For a community college anthropology class, I had to do an "ethnography" assignment. So I picked the topic "People Observed at a Greyhound Bus Station," specifically the old Seattle Greyhound on Stewart.


TOTALLY worth it.

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I wonder how much of this issue was caused by the fact that stations are privately owned, and many of the buses and routes are actually franchises and contracted carrier routes. Our station in Frederick here is privately owned and the buses are run by a contractor. It's neat, that all the buses are painted Greyhound, with a little aerial text behind the front doors "Owned and Operated by XYZ Co, Frederick Md" (I can't recall if it is Kewl, Erye or whatever their name is) It's not so neatly as coordinated as Amtrak or the airlines are.

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yikes.... fox.... I had my first look at Fox Business while reading some articles at Infrastructurist today... I could not stand watching one of the video debates about HSR for more than a few minutes b/c of the very rude host you can't debate against because he constantly interrupts you.... x_x;;


Awfull video, I couldn't pass his intrudoctory speech. It (and he too) was full of shit and clichés. "$8b that bankrupt (I think he wanted to add corrupt) governments are going to divert into their general budgets."

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yikes.... fox.... I had my first look at Fox Business while reading some articles at Infrastructurist today... I could not stand watching one of the video debates about HSR for more than a few minutes b/c of the very rude host you can't debate against because he constantly interrupts you...


It's Fox News, what else would you expect?





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It's Fox News, what else would you expect?


interestingly enough, I have only heard about Fox being conservative, but I was not expecting them to be *this* conservative. It's been literally decades since I've watched Fox news... I either got my news info from a newspaper or the CNN scattered across the airport terminals. :P

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yikes.... fox.... I had my first look at Fox Business while reading some articles at Infrastructurist today... I could not stand watching one of the video debates about HSR for more than a few minutes b/c of the very rude host you can't debate against because he constantly interrupts you...


It's Fox News, what else would you expect?






I would not go as far as calling FOX conservative. I suppose when compared to the almighty Turner Empire, maybe. The problem is that Americans have been weened on CNN for 30 years that anything that is taking market share from CNN is some big conservative plot. It's the same type of thinking that goes along with Intel and AMD, or Microsoft Windows and Apple Leopard.

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...interestingly enough, I have only heard about Fox being conservative, but I was not expecting them to be *this* conservative...


I'd call Fox lunar right, rather than conservative, but that's just me.





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Mudkip Orange
...interestingly enough, I have only heard about Fox being conservative, but I was not expecting them to be *this* conservative...


I'd call Fox lunar right, rather than conservative, but that's just me.






Yeah, CNN is center-right. It's just that the GOP keeps moving to the right, with the DNC following, so that the average American's concept of "centrist" also moves rightward.

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I'll take your word for that. My views on Fox are coloured by my familiarity with Murdoch's Australian outfit News Limited, and the shitty right-wing rags it publishes.





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