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Tomix M-13 Motor (0617) issue (Series 500)


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Hi folks,


Unfortunately my Tomix Series 500 isn't running properly, even at full speed it's really slow. I've taken it apart and isolated the problem to the motor itself 😞


The motor is Tomix M-13 Motor (0617). Any suggestions? I can't see a way to take apart the motor itself, so I'm guessing my only option is to replace it.

I've purchased Tomix 0623 [ 0623 ] M-9 Motor (TYPE3) from HobbySearch as the original is no longer in stock. Photos seem to suggest it's the same size.


But if anyone does know a way to kick the originally motor back to life, please let me know. Like I say, it is turning, but at a really slow pace, even just on it's own.


Many thanks,



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19 hours ago, drt7uk said:

I've purchased Tomix 0623 [ 0623 ] M-9 Motor (TYPE3) from HobbySearch as the original is no longer in stock. Photos seem to suggest it's the same size

Imon also state this on their website so should be a direct replacement. 

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you can also try spraying contact cleaner (plastic compatible product) on armature and brush area. I have also taken brushes and springs out to clean manually and then sprayed the cleaner on motor. gunk builds up and can stop springs pressuring brushes properly. Its very easy to lose parts when disassembling as the brush holder can be tight fit.  

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14 hours ago, beakaboy said:

you can also try spraying contact cleaner (plastic compatible product) on armature and brush area. I have also taken brushes and springs out to clean manually and then sprayed the cleaner on motor. gunk builds up and can stop springs pressuring brushes properly. Its very easy to lose parts when disassembling as the brush holder can be tight fit.  


thank you - how did you take it apart to clean the armature and brush area?

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apologies. just realised, these are sealed motors. Where I can't get to the brushes or armature, I have used CRC 226 product which is a lubricant/ electrical aid/moisture removal product. The wand for spraying is hard to control the amount dispersed, but after spraying at each end of motor on shafts and running motor with some wires attached to controller, you should see an immediate improvement in speed and smoothness. I have had stuttering motors on old units come back to life when nothing else worked. it dosen't dry out, so you need to wipe down excess.  

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I’ve used the same technique on old motors to revive them. Many small motors now days are sealed and don’t have the two screw in bumps on either side of one end of the motors where you can unscrew a cap and pull out the brushes and springs to clean or replace them.



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