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Crazy Spiral layout.. (as yet un-named)


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Wow! Now that’s a resource, looks like folks have modeled a ton of them already! Fan base for everything out there!


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20 hours ago, dotzen said:

Maybe you've already seen this, but it may be useful.


Thanks,  I've been using this one... same site, different page format   https://futuramaworldsoftomorrow.fandom.com/wiki/Buildings


Good because I can actually see the buildings without having to look at all the links. 🙂


Here's what I have so far.


Applied Cryogenics goes to the right of Planet Express, 


 The 2 more to design to go to the left of the Bender Building.





Edited by b.nice2000
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14 hours ago, cteno4 said:

Wow! Now that’s a resource, looks like folks have modeled a ton of them already! Fan base for everything out there!


Actually Jeff, I think the images there are small renders for use with on-line games.  


Certainly no use for 3D printing.

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9 hours ago, b.nice2000 said:

Actually Jeff, I think the images there are small renders for use with on-line games.  


Certainly no use for 3D printing.

Wasn’t sure from the tiny render sizes how much detail is there, but looks to be a fair amount to start from. Someone went to a lot of trouble to create the models!



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6 hours ago, cteno4 said:

Wasn’t sure from the tiny render sizes how much detail is there, but looks to be a fair amount to start from. Someone went to a lot of trouble to create the models!




They are really good images for the purpose of turning them into printable 3D models.


Only issue is they only have one view, so you have to "make up" what you can't see.


 But seeing as they are fictional buildings anyway, I don't think that matters    😉 


 This one isn't finished... detail to add.


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Sorry, I meant they looked like someone did some nice 3d models then just rendered out the small low resolution tiles all at the same perspective.


at least something to get ideas from.



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Maybe you could do something with the station platforms to make them more Futurama-ish. Just a thought...


Rich K.

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hummm.... so many ideas to try to implement !


 Ok.. this tube thing..  the tube is easy enough, but how to get "people" into it and make them move...


An air pump seems the logical method, and make the "people" so they have a base that just fits the inside of the tube.


 But how to get them into the tube while the pump is going.


 Any ideas?

Edited by b.nice2000
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On 6/10/2024 at 8:28 AM, cteno4 said:

Sorry, I meant they looked like someone did some nice 3d models then just rendered out the small low resolution tiles all at the same perspective.


at least something to get ideas from.




 They seem to be renders for use with the FuturamaWOTgame.


Anyway.. I'm going to do the #42 Parking garage, and make it a start point for the tube, somehow ! ?


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Probably the final main build for a while...


 The Applied Cryogenics building.. colours different from one in Futurama.. 


I even purposely put the name on crooked.



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Enough buildings for the City level.. 


They may not end up in the order I have in the photo, but it gives a good idea.



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Starting to work on ideas for Level 2.


Could be a boring farm scene as originally proposed..


Or something different...




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OK, scrapped previous idea.


Found some rather nice medieval town models on thingiverse, and came up with this.











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Another building for the Futurama level.  Some will hate this one ! 🤣 😇 


 It is called the "Trump Trapezoid".  Similar to the Futurama version, but I added a screen on top.


 Still need to add a picture to the screen.


 Jeff.. I haven't forgotten your idea of a screen with a crashed Futurama airship.. 😉  It will have to be a much bigger screen though.



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