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Engineer tools, Made in Japan


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Anyone else have some Engineer tools?


I heard of them via a YT channel making favourable comments about their desoldering pump (which has a tiny piece of silicone tube on the nozzle, so you can push it against a circuit board for a better seal and pull more solder out of the joint). Since then I've picked up a stubby screwdriver with a reversible bit, and a pair of pliers specifically designed for extracting damaged screws (PZ-58 - they have a toothed notch in the end of the jaws, so you can grab a screw vertically and wind it out). Also a neat soldering iron stand which holds the damp sponge in a sealed compartment when not in use, so it's ideal if you need to take your soldering kit somewhere. Just seems to be a well made range with some niche tools, prices are in line with the build quality but not absurd. I think the pliers plus the little rubber cap to keep them closed in the toolbox were about £20.


For our purposes they might be a good source of JIS (as opposed to PH) crosshead drivers, although I haven't looked at their precision screwdriver range as I already have a good stash of Wera ones. Amazon UK stocks a fair amount of the range, so I'd imagine their other global sites do as well. About the only snag is that, oddly enough, a lot of tools are sold for engineers, so finding tools from this specific manufacturer can take some refined search terms!

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