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Japanese Book 国鉄時代の貨物列車を知ろう 昭和40年代の貨物輸送 (Let's learn about freight trains from the JNR era: Freight transportation in the 1960s)


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Martijn Meerts

I don't know it, but it sure does sound interesting. There are likely a lot of books on Japanese Amazon that are interesting.


I tried getting the Kindle version, but seems Amazon Japan is making things a bit difficult o.O


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11 minutes ago, Gunzel said:

It looks interesting, but it seems like it probably has a lot of text. It’s similar in page count to this book:




But when looking at the Kindle versions it is only 35MB vs 100MB. And the Kindle preview is mainly text as well. 

Yes, it's more like an .ebup than a .pdf, which is great in my opinion, because you can copy & paste the text easily to an online translator or use tools like Yomichan.

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Martijn Meerts
2 hours ago, Darklighter said:

These links might help: 



Ah, thanks.. Might have to look at Honto. Amazon Japan is a bit annoying since I also have a regular Amazon account for Kindle already 🙂


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