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Lets see your Koki


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I just started on this journey of collecting Koki and wanted to see what everyone else's looks like.

20240318_210114 (1).jpg



Edited by disturbman
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Danger! Danger!   Danger Will Robinson!


Do not go down this path.  It never ends.


Mine are packed away or otherwise I'd provide the proof.


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15 hours ago, Falcon said:

Hi chadbag,

nice to see your Model Train Pic of the Day !!

Thanks.  I've been on hiatus recently so all the posts are old.  I'll start posting again when our house construction project is done.




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Here is my entry from approx a month ago. Containers are such a bad temptation so the picture is already outdated ...


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17 hours ago, bc6 said:

Wow now that's what I call a collection of Koki!!!! 🤑

Nothing against Wolf but that's amateur hour.


(Though keeping the containers in the "caskets" is cool as well as the KoKi.   Mine are all in their original plastic cases and cardboard boxes for the containers)


Edited by chadbag
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13 minutes ago, chadbag said:

Nothing against Wolf but that's amateur hour.


No offence taken, its just 4 Cases, I have seen plenty bigger collections ^^

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Since I opened my mouth I decided to try and snap a pic of my biggest collection of containers.  The KoKi are all packed away.  Unfortunately my wife has been moving stuff around and the plastic container that has most of them has been pushed back behind a bunch of other stuff she's been organizing for when we ultimately move.  I'll see if I can't dig it out or something but for now it's all hot air on my part.


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Martijn Meerts
18 hours ago, chadbag said:

Nothing against Wolf but that's amateur hour.


(Though keeping the containers in the "caskets" is cool as well as the KoKi.   Mine are all in their original plastic cases and cardboard boxes for the containers)



The important question here is, will you have a dedicated container room in your new house? 😄


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maihama eki

I also have a somewhat embarrassing number of KOKIs and containers. Rather than attempt a photo of all of them, here are a few favorites.


The KOKI 200 is somewhat more rare one to see. Here with 2 NRS 22T6 ISO tank containers from Kato.



I can't resist anything from Yamato Transport with their signature momma kitty/baby kitty logo.


Here a KOKI 106 with 2 UV51A Yamato containers - courtesy of Tomix.



Here a KOKI 104 with 2 different Yamato UV51As, also a Tomix.



Finally, I pulled out a couple of fun containers from Hogarakadou, Nippon Express U47A, and Seino U31A and dropped them on a Tomix KOKI 104.



I deeply apologize for the Rapido couplers on all of these.


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  • disturbman changed the title to Lets see your Koki
11 hours ago, Martijn Meerts said:

The important question here is, will you have a dedicated container room in your new house? 😄


I’m sure chad has at least a storage closet given over to them in one of the hobby rooms. 😜 



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On 3/23/2024 at 12:47 AM, maihama eki said:

I can't resist anything from Yamato Transport

I’m with you on that. As you can see from my Koki’s, Kuro Neko Yamato have a monopoly.  (ok the Sagawa SRC is cheating as they’re not technically Koki but T260/261) I have a fair few Yamato in HO too. Not a huge amount of N scale Kokis or container variety but covered Nippon Express, Yamato amongst others.  More really what I see on a daily basis although I could do with some Seino containers. Really need to make a Fukuyama train as there’s a 10-11 Koki train each day. If you look closely in the top right, you can also see the horrendous colour matching on the early Kato Koki 104s, came with JR 18D containers,  compared with the Tomix and later Kato ones. 


Edited by Kamome
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Very nice collection of Koki Kamome, I wouid love to get my hands on some Yamato containers but they're only sold with Koki and difficult to find.

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The Ta-Q-Bin ones only come with the 104s and the Ne-Ko-Ro-Ji versions with the 106s and same with the HO versions. Tomix did a second run of HO so it’s a matter of time before they do the N ones again. Amazon Japan still have the 104s (8737) but the 106s with the later containers seem to be asking a higher price now.

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M250 does not count!


(Sais the guy who is grumpy in the mornings ans annoyed he didnt think about it himself when taking his picture XD)

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34 minutes ago, b.nice2000 said:

I'm an Aussie.....  Would someone please tell me what a "Koki" is ?


Easy explain: Koki is the japanese name for flatcars carrying containers.


TL:DR one: it is a KoKi to be precise, with Japanese train classification meaning


- its a Container car (Ko) and

- its designated above 25t weight (Ki).


Helpfull link:



Edited by Wolf
Spelling and grammar changes
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23 hours ago, Wolf said:


Easy explain: Koki is the japanese name for flatcars carrying containers.


TL:DR one: it is a KoKi to be precise, with Japanese train classification meaning


- its a Container car (Ko) and

- its designated above 25t weight (Ki).


Helpfull link:




That's what I thought it might mean.


Currently 3D printing a whole heap of USA boxcars and container flats.... and containers to go on them. 🙂


boxcars etc.JPG

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These aren't all.  


The box with containers are my Japanese containers but don't include a bunch of the more recent ones I've bought, nor do they include any that came as a set with the KoKi (including a bunch of KoKi with at least two different Yamato containers, some KoKi 200 with tank containers, and a ton of JNR KoKi with containers).  The box with KoKi are not all the KoKi and a small corner of the box has some tank and box cars but it's mostly KoKi.  I also have the KATO 106/107 set and a bunch of other ones in other boxes.

Also does not include my US and European intermodal containers and flatcars/intermodal container carrier cars.  About the only US train cars I have are intermodal since they have containers on them and I have 5 or 6 KATO sets, some independent / individual cars or sets of cars, and a few flatcars with semi truck trailers and a ton of 3rd party containers I've bought (ISO 20 and ISO 40, and also the 45/48 and 53 footers).  Nor does it include a good assortment of German/Swiss/Austrian/other european flat cars and containers.



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Just a small fleet of Shorties.  10 was plenty for two rakes of five, one inbound and one outbound in the shorty koki yard.  But then the yellow pair popped up on YAJ and needed acquiring, they still need stickers, weathering, and couplers added:

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