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Kato Unitrack for TT narrow gauge layout


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Recently caught up with a friend who is using Kato Unitrack for a freelance TT layout based on an area in Auckland , New Zealand. he had problems with the fixed length and angles of Unitrack, so decided to cut some pces to size required as well as turn pces over and make multiple cuts  across the length of the pce . This resulted in him being able to  create curvature required. The layout runs well with these modifications. The Steam loco  is a scratch built body on a commercial chassis.


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Hugh never heard of folks doing a lot of custom curves with Unitrak outside of 25 to 33mm adapter tracks. Those folks cut thru the roadbed perpendicular to the track like between every other or every third tie.

Did he take any picture of what he did to make the curves? If he did it would be great to post them here as a repository in a topic!


I’ve made transition pieces for grades that bend up some by doing cuts almost all the way thru the ballast plastic perpendicular to the track. Helps big time with uncouplings at the vertical transition.


looks like a fun layout. So I take it N gauge is just about cape gauge for TT scale (or close enough)?



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Kato has just released 9mm narrow gauge track for OO9 layouts, which may be a good fit for TT scale NG layouts as well.

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