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FooGee City.. an N-scale Japanese city


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Well, I finally have things where I think they will end up.


All the buildings are designed by myself, and printed using 3D filament.


All the .stl files are available in Thingiverse, and links are available in the Structures section of the forum.  


Nearly all the buildings are based on actual buildings mainly around Tokyo's Ginza area...  with a few other buildings from other places.


I have some RGB LED rods with remote control that will eventually be placed inside each building so I can have everchanging multi-colour lighting. 🙂


FooGee City 0.JPG

FooGee City 1.JPG

FooGee City 2.JPG

FooGee City 7.JPG

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Takahama Trainwatcher

Yes, you've inspired me to invest in a suitable 3D printer once I get to the stage of seriously adding buildings to my layout.

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 Thanks Jeff, for sorting out what I could and couldn't post in the way of images.. and making that compilation list.


Thanks Takahama, and others, for the "likes".


Once I knew I wanted a city, I went searching for city type buildings available commercially.


Apart from some by Tomytec, they were very few available.


So I sort of "got the bug".. and did a whole heap, by eye, from Google Earth images.


I decided to make the .stl file available free so others could use them.


I hope I have provided people with a good resource and some inspirations.  🙂


I'm done with those buildings now.....  and onto my next project which is a whole heap of US boxcars.... rather than buy them.


Fortunately, plenty of those already in Thingiverse at various scales, so just minor edits needed to make in N-guage. 🙂

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Been re-making the scenery at the right-hand end of the Mt FooGee layout.


 Now has 3 temples, connected by over-railway footbridges, with Toro gates at each end of the footbridges


 Have done the foliage around the first of the temples, and added a footpath with bamboo on either side leading to the first footbridge.


 Here are 3 views of the temple, and one of the 2nd and 3rd temples without foliage.


 Note the steep pathway up from Old FooGee village.


 Only 11 temples on the layout.. must be a very religious area  😉










Edited by b.nice2000
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ps.. I would love to get some Japanese Samurai figures in N-scale.. but have never seen any on the web.


Anyone know of any ?

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not seen a full samurai warrior in 1/150, but there are a number in wargaming 10mm scale. @Cat may have some suggestions! Cast figures like this with equipment look a bit large so being a 5’ tall figure is not bad.




Couple of unpainted edo figure sets that have samurai in street clothes not armor. Might contact Sakatsu about it as they are the big diorama shop and work with a list of garage and individual producers of details. They are super nice folks and are totally into details! 






and some female ninjas!




prohobby had some 1/144 scale old war figures (sort of wargaming pieces) but not fig fully armored samurai. Sadly out of production right now as most pro hobby stuff has been for a number of years, but they seem to be coming back to life now.






better view of the horse warrior






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On 2/25/2024 at 9:50 PM, Takahama Trainwatcher said:

Yes, you've inspired me to invest in a suitable 3D printer once I get to the stage of seriously adding buildings to my layout.


 I recently got a Flashforge 5M.   Fast, really easy to use.


IMO, better than the Creality K1... (which I also have one of)...   5M is faster and neater.

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Cast metal figures are not exactly any scale, but are a general height, typically (but not always) measured toe-to-eye.  They are heftier than scale plastics.  On the plus side, samurai armour is chunkier looking than your average ;unarmoured person.
10mm generally comes in close to N scale.  Pendraken miniatures are usually well done.  I have not seen their samurai, but definitely worth a try:

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I had looked at the pendragon way back as I was thinking of a sort of reinactment scene with a small festival going on and lots of spectator. But was not sure if that’s done much in Japan out the usual Yabusame and Kyūdō competitions. The Yabusame sprang out of the Tomytec horse carriers and how to use those in a scene that then required horses!



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Plus there's always the opportunity for a PR event anywhere to support the release of a new chanbara film, or the latest remake of Shōgun...
I've been exercising great restraint and am waiting for the series to conclude before hunting out a free trial period for FX/Hulu/Disney and then binge it.
Since the trailers started dropping last fall, interest in Test of Honour a cinematic samurai skirmish gaming has been going through the roof.  The Facebook group for the game keeps growing and growing.  I'm hoping to get games started at the local store come June.  (Currently going flat out getting a big game for The Warriors ready for a convention in May.)

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Good thoughts. My original thought long ago was just a small park scene with Yabusame and Kyūdō competition going on and maybe a little samurai display. Castle would be great, but they take up a huge amount of space! I actually have the sankei Matsumoto castle and Creos Kumamoto castle to build and figure out what to do with! At some point I may have to give up on the Kumamoto as it is so large! I keep eyeing the smaller sankei castles as some might fit on a deeper Ttrak module.


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Ha, I was thinking if I did a castle of some sort I would put it up on a plateau and a steep embankment or wall down to tracks to separate the scene!



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