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Tomix Crossover Issues


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Hi all. I bought a Tomix crossover set back in December. Is it normal for it to insulate power across the switches?  I have a pretty long [temporary] layout. I lose track power to where my trains slow way down before until it crosses then full power is restored. 

If I have another turnout in series and the train is between the turnout and the crossover (power would be on the other side between crossover and turnout) and I switch just the turnout, power is lost.


Is power not routed the same through the crossovers as they are through the turnouts?

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Just add redundant (parallel) power feeders on all approaches to the crossover. It will be a much better solution and your operations will be much better. Even on a basic oval, power reaches a train on the far side from the power supply from both directions, not just one.


Rich K.

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For some reason, trains kept popping the breaker. I decided to pack it up and try something new later. I have a package coming in from Hobby Search with some extention cords for my turnouts. Going to try that and see if it helps.  At the moment I only have one Tomix power supply running both loops, two turnouts and the crossover. 


I have a new shopping cart that I'm beginning to fill up and considering another controller, 2A turnout power (I read here it can push the points more definitively), and some power feeders and splitters. 


Some of my track is 40 years old and not in the best condition. With the exception of anything that uses power, track is done if the cheapest stuff you can buy from Tomix. 

Edited by VentureForth
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I took down my layout.  I think I have some good advise.  I will try again when I get my next shipment from Hobby Search.


Thanks all for the feedback!

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OK.  Just finished putting this one together in my living room.  I made a real attempt to put the power feeders as far away from the crossover as I could.  Made a real strong attempt to ensure all track connected well.  My old Tomix brown track has some continuity issues.  It's working really well now. 


There aren't any "clips" or anything that are designed to hold old brown Tomix track together, is there?  When they get loose, they tend to slide apart quite easily.

Anyway, this is a fun layout that I'll keep out for a little while.  Hopefully my package from hobby search will arrive this week.






It has a turnout switch extension cord and a station that I can't wait to play around with.  🙂



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I don't know of any "fix" for the old Tomix brown track, which does not click together. Guess that's why they upgraded the design - the tapered wedge fit just does not stay together tightly, in my experience.


Rich K.

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And here is the above layout running super smooth. 

Of course the crossover isn’t in an ideal location, buy it works to prove the concept of strong connections and placing power opposite of the crossover track. 




Edited by VentureForth
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5 hours ago, brill27mcb said:

I don't know of any "fix" for the old Tomix brown track, which does not click together. Guess that's why they upgraded the design - the tapered wedge fit just does not stay together tightly, in my experience.


Rich K.

Thanks, Rich. I doubt it, too. Oddly, sometimes they stuck too well and the tabs broke off. I can pinch the joiners a little with pliers and that would help a bit. 

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