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Kato DD15 wheel doesn't move smooth


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Yo! I have some question to ask ya all about my DD15 wheel that's doesn't move smooth do you have any idea to make it run smooth?
thanks for ya all opnion!

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Sounds like something is wrong, but without further info it's hard to tell what. Likely culprits include hardened grease and collected detritus (dust, carpet fibre, hair). Was the model new or second hand? Have you tried cleaning the wheels?

Edited by railsquid
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If the mechanism is stiff, cleaning the wheels won't really do anything. Need to clean the gears and/or put back what has been shaken out of position.

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because of the direction of the gearing it’s almost impossible to turn the wheels as it needs to turn all the gears and then the motor. It’s like trying to go up a hill slowly in a high gear on a car or bike.

Is this a Tomix? Maybe one of the Tomix locos with the spring coil drive shafts. The spring coil driveshaft/worm gear need large amounts of grease to lubricate them and are notorious for sucking up huge amount of crap and getting packed tight and eventually burning out the motors. Even clean these old Tomix motor mechs growl fiercely and if dirty really make some noise.


@brill27mcb do you remember which Tomix locos used that nasty spring driveshaft/worm gear mech?


can you post a YouTube of it running with audio? Can you supply a model number? Have you tired to open it up at all?


we need more information to try to help you.



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I'm still unclear. So assuming it's Tomix, not Kato, is it a DD15 as in a DD13 with snow clearing equipment, a DE15 or a DD51?


Those spring drives look horrendous. Thanks for posting the list @brill27mcb Good to avoid these old mechanisms if purchasing 2nd hand stock.

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