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Philip Lehr's Pioneering N-gauge Trolley Models


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I thought that this might be of interest to some people here. Back in the very early days of N-gauge, American modeler Philip Lehr astounded people when a magazine article appeared about his scratchbuilt N-scale trolley. This was in 1971, when anything smaller than a locomotive was basically unimaginable. It turns out that a member of the nscaletraction group (groups.io/g/nscaletraction) had been fortunate enough to later acquire three of these models, and had also kept photos of other models that he had not been lucky enough to get. With his help and some research, I have added a page about Lehr's amazing models to my n-trolleys website. Here's the link:



Lehr built his own drive chassis and trucks/bogies, using such diverse pieces as HO slot car gears and a motor from an Eheim HO operating trolley bus. His level of modeling detail was also amazing, given what was available back in those days. Oh, not to mention making his own operating sprung trolley poles...


Rich K.

Edited by brill27mcb
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