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Im looking for cellphone towers .stl's


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Ive seen the paid ones $70 too rich for my blood. Does anyone know of have cellphone tower .stl that you've created or are available for free?

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There are several on Shapeways. I see some of the designers now will sell the design file as well as a print. I think that's a great idea.







I see several others that are HO scale, and probably if you try some other search terms, there are others.


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What sort of cell tower are you after, and how tall etc.


 Gotta remember, things are pretty small in N-scale .. what printer do you have access to ?


 eg 6" (150mm) becomes 1mm.... and trying to print anything much less than 1mm comes out just too breakable.


 I design things "chunky" for that reason.


Edited by b.nice2000
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I was looking for cellphone towers that are on buildings so not that tall. have access to an Ultimaker s3 sometimes, I've actually modeled a few towers that I liked. I like the one you posted from Thingiverse which I'll check out later. I need to figure out how to scale the towers I make but that isn't easy when you don't have measurements of the real thing. Im going to look for some reference material that may give me some clues to the size of towers. 

Edited by bc6
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