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Help needed to identify cars


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I would like to open a topic where everyone can ask questions about unknown vehicles.

I'll start....

In my photo collection, which is based on images from the Internet, I noticed a car that I cannot identify.
Unfortunately, the website from which I downloaded the photo has now been shut down and therefore no contact with the photo owner is possible. I cropped the affected area from the photo. According to the data I have provided, it is said to be the Ward in Asahikawa in the early 1980s.
I couldn't find any more photos of this on the web. The structure of the front of the vehicle is also unusual, which could perhaps be an inspection vehicle?

If there are any problems with the photo cropping, I will take it out again.




Greetings Ulli

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Possibly a 32, 44, or 70 series passenger car, but I can't find any photos of those types with large windows like that.  Like the so-called joyful trains that are still around today, there have long been unique formations and individual cars resulting from regional repair facilities doing modification work.  In this case, that could be a rear observation deck, or maybe for inspection as you say.  Or maybe it's original. Not sure.  Paging Dr. @bikkuri bahn

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It might actually be an inspection vehicle; More specifically I found this website showcasing JR East's MaYa 34 (most striking IMO is the painted white box with numbers) which also linked to it's Wikipedia article. However two things don't quite make sense:

  1. The MaYa 34 has two yellow bands spanning the length (and fronts) of the carriage, which the vehicle pictured here doesn't
  2. The sloped/wrapping roof pictured isn't a feature seen on the MaYa 34, so it maybe an earlier type of inspection vehicle

However what generally perplexes me is the lack of any visible warning colours. Might confirm that this is some obscure carriage.


It also reminded me of older JNR EMU's, though the lack of overhead wires makes this being an EMU quite unlikely... (+ there are no headlights visible in the picture)


Additionally I personally doubt this is an observation car: The more utilitarian looks with painted on running notes and lights is something I haven't seen on any other observation car.


Lastly (and to a degree most perplexing) is what seems to be red curtains in the windows? I didn't see this at first but the windows aren't black, they seem to be slightly red-ish in colour. It could be a reflection thing, but I kinda doubt that the colour of another vehicle standing nearby would be this vibrant and monotone in colour.


And to finally conclude this mess of directions, my personal guess:

I have no clue

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I was writing a response about the curtains and observation deck/room (or not) when @Englehart posted the obviously correct answer 🙂.  If I understand it correctly, there were 3 SUYA32 cars that had started life as ‘health cars’ with examination and x-ray rooms, but as @SwallowAngel suggested, by this point it was an inspection car.  Numbers 1 and 2 were scrapped by 1977, and 3 was scrapped in 1986.

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