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Hattons Model Railway Shop to Close


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If and when they do return, it will be an uphill climb for them to rebuild the trust and confidence of us modelers.  After witnessing the fiasco of how it all went down (and fast too!), how many will gladly give their money to them again?  Maybe, just maybe, I will do a small tiny order first to test the waters.

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Apparently the demise was over a bit of time, just not very public. Both finances and squabbles. I agree it will take a lot to lure me back for what little business I had with track and such.



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Yes there were rumors with Kleins for a while. But they were rumors, so hard to know exactly what is the real story.

I’ve not heard of anyone complaining of outstanding orders or charges left behind so far with kliens, so that is good!

It was strange as first buyout, then to move to Nebraska, then closure. Who knows with the deals between Kleins and hattons as well as business issues/history with the individual companies before the merger, complex mix of mess I bet and easy to fall apart.



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Aha, they've purchased the brand and the website contents, which is good as it was a valuable source of info on UK outline models.

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At least the content did not end up in the digital dumpster. These days so much of the top search results are crap ai generated content (it will be interesting to see how these evolve as they are starting to have the highest ranked seo so will be training on their own products—sort of like an animal trying to live by eating their own feces) it’s nice to have those old reliable sources of banked and cataloged information. Hobbysearch is sort of the same great historical resource.



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